[Oneshot] Rule #25

Dec 09, 2009 11:27

TITLE: Rule #25
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Tony, Kate, Gibbs
GENRE: Gen, General, Humour
RATING: PG-13 (for some language)
SUMMARY: Tony discovers something on Kate’s computer that makes even Gibbs curious - Written for prompt #27 "Computer" for ncis1000words
NOTES: I wrote this (in a slightly different and longer version) as a birthday present for a friend, but I decided I should translate it for everyone. Not beta'd.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 2 and 5 would have ended different.


The moon, round and bright in the sky, lit up the narrow path that led to a group of trees, the dark, great figure was approaching to. A long black cloak fluttered around his ankles, and although he went quickly, the cape never let him stumble.
When a cloud moved in front of the moon, befogging the world for a moment, the figure stopped, muttering a few words. He reached into his cloak and took out a small flashlight. Seconds later he was moving again, a faint light leading the way through the black darkness.
It didn’t take long before he had reached the first trees. He slowed his pace… then stopped. He listened intently into the forest, the moon, which had come out from behind the cloud again, now lit up the man’s face; the dark, almost black eyes scanned the area.

"David?"Is that you?" The soft voice came from the dark and the man turned to his left. He took a step forward, right up to the woman that was now stepping out of the shadows. Smiling, she reached out for him, touching his face with her hand. "I knew you would come, David ..."

"DiNozzo, what the hell are you doing at my computer?" Kate's voice echoed through the bullpen, the alarming tone even caught the director’s attention up at the catwalk, who looked down to see what was going on, when said Agent DiNozzo jumped up as if stung by an adder, trying desperately to bring as much space between him and his extremely angry-looking co-worker, only to stumble right against his boss, who had come out of nowhere. The coffee, Gibbs was carrying, dropped to the floor, the hot liquid splashing all over their shoes. Startled, Tony made a step forward again, looking nervously between Kate and a remarkably calm Gibbs, trying to decide, whose punishment would be less painful.
This wasn’t an easy decision, since Kate was suspected of being a female incarnation of a certain Leroy Jethro Gibbs, and even though she hadn’t head-slapped him yet, Tony knew her punishment could hurt as well. He still could feel the bruise on his shoulder where her hole puncher had hit him that one morning when he had sweetened her coffee with plenty of sugar. Luckily, she hadn’t missed his head she was aiming for, but his shoulder had hurt for weeks afterwards.
No, Kate definitely, wasn’t the one he would prefer being punished by. But on the other hand ... Gibbs was no real alternative either.

Before Tony had the chance to make a decision Kate was standing right in front of him, her face red with anger, while Gibbs was still right behind him, both giving Tony the feeling of being a hot dog, wedged between two cranky slices of bread.

"What has he done, Kate?" Gibbs asked, slapping Tony on the back of his head, which caused the young agent to moan in protest, but as soon as Gibbs had asked his question, Tony’s face turned into a snarky grin.
This is a very good question, Gibbs, he thought, and suddenly he felt no longer sorry for himself, for being the only victim here. Actually, the answer to this question might bring him out of his misery completely. He grinned at Kate who narrowed her eyes under Gibbs’s stare, hastily muttering “Not important”, and then turning around to disappear behind her desk. Tony was sure the red color on her face no longer had anything to do with her anger, but was rather caused by the fact that she felt caught by doing something embarrassing.

"DiNozzo! Clean up that mess."
“On it boss.” Tony nodded glad that he had obviously got of that lightly.
Kneeling down, he saw Gibbs walking over to Kate’s desk. He turned her monitors around, while his hand quickly reached for Kate's wrist to ensure that she wouldn’t use the mouse to hide any evidence from him.
"Gibbs, it’s … you ..."
"Hush!" Gibbs said sharply and leaned closer to the screen.

”Oh, David ...," the woman sighed, her hair glowing like fire in the moonlight. "Finally we can be together." The two lovers lay there, their bodies intimately entwined, passionately celebrating their reunion, while the golden moon in the sky was so discreet to disappear behind a cloud, allowing the lovers some privacy to ...

Gibbs looked up, his icy blue eyes staring at Kate, who was slowly falling apart, her face reddened even more. But she held his gaze, as usually, trying to stare him down.
Curious, Tony watched the two agents, betting with himself on who would be the first to turn away.
It didn’t take long before Gibbs (as suddenly and unexpected as only he could move) straightened up again.
"Rule #25, Kate," Gibbs said, turning the monitor into its old position, his voice warning and slightly accusing. "Always close all programs before you leave your desk."
He turned away and hit Tony, who’d come closer to see what was happening, at the back of his head. "And you, DiNozzo … I’d expect you to be more careful the next time you spy on someone. Otherwise I might need to change my mind of you being a good agent ..."
"I …" Tony was about to protest against the unfair treatment (Kate wasn’t being punished for reading this tearjerker stuff at work and he got a head-slap -twice. Where was the justice in that?), but stopped in surprise. “I'm a good agent? I thought you ..."
“You shouldn’t think so much, DiNozzo! Go, get me some new coffee before I have to change my mind again." Gibbs sat down at his desk, staring at his agent.
"I’m already on my way." Tony grabbed his jacket and ran to the elevator.
As soon as Tony was gone, Gibbs looked at Kate, who was still sitting there in disbelief without having moved an inch.
"He, Kate?" He said, pointing with a nod at Kate's monitor. "The redhead ... is there is also a picture of her?"

- The End -

fandom: ncis, community: ncis1000words, ncis: anthony dinozzo, ncis: jethro gibbs, ncis: kate todd, fanart: fanfiction

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