[Drabble] Partner in Crime

Dec 03, 2009 15:13

TITLE: Partner in Crime
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTERS: Jethro Gibbs, Tim McGee, Donna Noble
GENRE: Gen, Humour, Crossover (with Doctor Who)
SUMMARY:Not everyone is happy about the new addition to the team - for challenge #14 ‘Foreign Language’ at ncisdrabble100. Sequel to " A Noble Addition".
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.
NOTE: not beta’d. People wished for a sequel and I think there is a good chance this might turn into my very own special “Noble-Universe” ;)


„Oi! Watch it, Mate!“ Donna’s scream caught Jethro’s attention and he looked up from the file he was just reading, only to see his not-so-favourite new partner in crime making fun of each other. Right now, McGee and Donna Noble, the secretary Jenny had hired, were fighting over DiNozzo’s Mighty Mouse stapler.
“McGee! Don’t you have any work to do?” Jethro interrupted whatever McGee was about to say, his tone sharp. Both, the young agent and the redhead, turned around, trying to look as innocent as possible.
“Uhm, Boss ... it’s ...”
“Today, McGee!”
“He’s done with his report, Sir,” Donna answered, reaching for a file from McGee’s desk and handed it over to him. “Now what? Do you find something else for him to do that no-one’s really interested in; only because you’re a master with the power to command?” Donna asked, not in the slightest intimidated by his stare.
Jethro sighed. This woman had been annoying from the second he’d met her, and although Jenny had assured him he would get used to her eventually, nothing had changed.
He was still waiting for the day when Donna Noble would make a huge mistake, giving him a chance to fire her. But except for her loud voice and her dauntlessness there was nothing he could use against her. She was - as Jenny had told him - a hard working assistant that left them all with too much free time to kill.
“Go and help Abby,” he said, ignoring Donna’s smirk. “And take her with you. I ... just take her.”
“Okay, boss,” McGee said, obviously relieved that helping Abby was the only punishment he would get today.
“Molto bene!” Donna smiled, satisfied. “Come on, McGee. Allons-y.”

Jethro rolled his eyes, watching them leave. He just wished she would stop using these European languages ...

- The End -

fandom: ncis, fandom: doctor who, ncis: tim mcgee, doctor who: donna noble, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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