[Icons] Judgment Day for ncis20in20

Dec 02, 2009 13:43

After a long time finally some new icons ... NaNo's over, time to do something else than writing.
Here are my 20 icons for the December round at ncis20in20.
Subject: Judgment Day - that means this batch contains (bad) spoiler for the season 5 finale ...


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fandom: ncis, ncis: jimmy palmer, ncis: ziva david, fanart: icon, ncis: ducky mallard, ncis: abby sciuto, ncis: jenny shepard, ncis: tim mcgee, ncis: anthony dinozzo, community: ncis20in20

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katie087 December 3 2009, 01:11:27 UTC
omg love!!!

I'm trying to pick my faves but there are so many. I love how you have a combination of heartbreaking and funny icons.
Okay absolute faves would be action, alone, shape (even though it breaks my heart), AC1 and categories 1&5... but I love them all. When the challenge is over I might snag some if that's okay with you.


nicis_anatomy December 3 2009, 05:56:03 UTC
Thank you! *hugs*
I tried my best to find these happy moments in the episodes, but there weren't many :( And when I had to use that image for "shape" I almost cried *sighs* But I had no other idea ... Oh, and the "Alone" icon was another attempt to make you that "Dear Jethro" icon - but it didn't work the way I wanted it to work ;(

And sure. Take whatever you like. That's what they are made for ;)


katie087 December 3 2009, 05:58:11 UTC
The 'alone' icon actully made me think of the dear Jethro icon! Love.

Would you prefer if I used these after the comp is over? I dont know how these things usually work.


nicis_anatomy December 3 2009, 06:01:31 UTC
*g* That was the first icons I made and I spent some time on the letter, before I gave up *sighs*

I think it's okay to take them now. Since it's allowed to post them also at normal icon communities I don't see any regulation against it ...


katie087 December 3 2009, 06:08:54 UTC
Awesome, thank you :)
Now I just have to decide which ones to take lol.

Oh and since I'm always behind in internet language... what does *g* mean? I keep seeing it and feel so out of the loop lol.


(The comment has been removed)

katie087 December 3 2009, 07:05:02 UTC
oooooooh thanks!


katie087 December 3 2009, 07:05:21 UTC
(omg your icon lol)


nicis_anatomy December 3 2009, 07:44:50 UTC
Sorry, I had to leave for work. As starshines already said: It means something like 'grin' and I think it is more commom here in the european area - I haven't seen many americans use it, but maybe I'm wrong ;)
It's pretty much the only 'internet language' thing I use - most of the time I have to google to understand what others wrote. But then again ... I'm over 30 already *g*


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