Mar 29, 2007 01:19
bring on the diet mountain dew!
well, over halfway through the night, and also over halfway done with my clinical hours. I only have about 5 more nights to work and i'm done. i'm kind of starting to get the hang of things here and feel a bit more comfortable.
lately i've been enjoying my workouts more, which is a good thing. i've worked hard to make it a part of my schedule if AT ALL possible, sometimes even on the mornings after i get off work! i've just been pushing myself more and wanting more results since i've kind of plateaued off on my weight loss (bc i'm not eating as strictly as i was before) i almost might be gaining some muscle, but the number is not what counts really. as long as i can see my body changing and feel a difference then i'm happy and will continue to work harder.
the end of school is creeping ever closer. i have lots of things left to do that probably wouldn't take long if i just sat down and DID them. perhaps later in the week....the apartment hunt is going ok too. i got on a couple lists and still have about 4 more places to go check out. getting more and more excited about having my own place...
last night i had so much fun with one of my friends. we went to a baseball game for ole miss and southern miss, and ole miss won at the very end! it was so great, we ate fried chicken and french fries and drank a couple beers and sat on a blanket in the outfield. the weather was perfect...just a great night. :) so i'm in a good mood and i hope it lasts.