...I've been deep in thought.
1) People with thick calves shouldn't wear tie-tied socks. It looks too much like both their legs are broken and in casts, and then I get confused as to how they can be riding a bike. This, I realized today.
2) Don't yell "Fuck New York" at 8-12 year old girls wearing 'I heart NY' shirts when they're walking with their mothers. They, the moms, will give you the bird. This, I found out today.
3) Leaving phonographs/ 8-track players in attics for upwards of 3 years, yeah, it's never a good idea. And on a related note, make sure the turntable werks before you try to change/ break a potentially irreplaceable needle.
4) Buying records is fun. To date, the haul includes:
Emigre (Single) technically, it was free...
Bill Bondsmen:
The Swinging Sounds e.p. (record release #15 of 20)
Young* (*Kinda) Loud and Shoddy
The one before the latest (mind is shot, what's it's name?)
Bill Cosby:
The Best of Bill Cosby
Bill Hayes:
The Ballad of Davy Crockett (Single)
"How To Strip For Your Husband" (w/ Special Instructions by America's Most Famous Strip-Teaser Ann Corio"
The Meatmen:
Small Parts Isolated and Destroyed
Self Titled (I think)
Ruby Soho (Single)
Time Bomb (Single)
To What End?/ Witch Hunt Split
Tyrone & The Clouds:
Steelband and Island Songs
5) Has anyone else seen the Lincoln commercial that features the shitty Cat Power cover of "Space Oddity"? Once I'm on a faster computer I'll try to do that youtube thing that the kids are all doing now.
Click to view
Anyway, It got me thinking, which is sad in-and-of-itself, but why would you use that, of all songs, to sell your technologically advanced super-self guided urban soccer mom tank of an suv? The part that really got me wasn't that they used the song to highlight the push button start (I think that was what it was) by starting with the part about "Commencing countdown, engines on...". That makes sense. Kinda. It wasn't even that they left in "May god's love be with you", in this day and age. No, friends, what made me think that it was the most heinous song/ automobile tie in ever (but the drinking and driving connection to Chevy and Don McLean comes in a pretty close second, even though they kept "them good ole' boys were...", chose to omit, "...drinking whiskey and rye", and left in "...singin' this'll be the day that I die...") was the fact that they would show the navigational system as this song is playing. Am I to assume that a circuit will die, there'll be something wrong, and my car will leave me stranded somewhere where even onstar can't hear me? There, you'd be sitting in yer' $35,000+ tin can... But I digress.
That was probably the longest rant about pointless shit you'll have to sit through all week.
That's why I wish I was you.
Can't think of anything else. Happy Summerween, bitches.