PhD stuff

Jul 14, 2006 15:25

Things to do

- Email to Annette Markham

- Books to find/order:

Method material:

- Silverman ‘Analysing Text and Talk’,
- Plummer ‘Documents of life’,
- Bertaux D (ed) (1991) Biography and Society: The life history approach in the social sciences, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage,
Becker, (1966) Introduction. In C Shaw (ed), The Jack Roller: A Delinquent Boy’s own story (pp.v-xviii). Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
Becker, H.S (1970) Sociological Work, Chicago: Aldine,
Bateson, M.C (1990) Composing a Life, New York: Plume/Penguin

Substantive material:

Gergen, K (1994) Realities and Relationships. Cambridge. Mass: Harvard University

Foucault, M. (1986)'On the genealogy of ethics: an overview of work in progress' in P.Rainbow (ed) The Foucault Reader. New York: Pantheon

- Letter to bloggers from trawling phase of data collection

- Invite to blog communities: agnostics, ozchristians, ozbuddhists

- Write updated methods/methodology section

- Think about the relationship between blogs and interviews


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