Oct 27, 2006 17:56
well... today is friday and i had some things planned...
they didnt work out.
so anyways
i show up at school...
do bad on my work... get mad
and im like w/e i did the next classes homework(mela did it for me) i'll be okay..
so i goto the next class
"we're having a quiz....."
wtf.... who said anything about a quiz
blah blah blah teacher goes on to tell us how we're retarded
and should study 4 hours every day after school if we want an A
suck my fat one
so......there's 2 F's on the day for me.
forget it... i'll goto soccer and finish my other plans after soccer..
(i love soccer)
or do i?
i love the sport i tell you... i look forward to it every time.
i just end up not trying because i get so frustrated.
my team isnt good... and i try to make it my game i guess you could say...
they just are worse on the field than better.
i'm not saying im like a star at soccer...
i can never finish it seems... im just saying they suck
maybe it's all because the coach bosted us up at the beginning of the season talking about how much we're gonna win and whatnot.(no winning real or fake game later) im aggrivated. maybe that's why i go play on a different team every friday night... so that i can actually play with some good people.
(sorry if none of this makes sense... im so aggrivated right now---i just walked off the field during a game cuz i was mad and drove home---so im just rambling)
my other plans tonight were...
since mela did my homework for me last night and whatnot
and i like her and everything like no other duh.
i was gonna be kinda a sweet boyfriend
and get chinese food(her shrimp chowmain cuz i know she likes it)
and show up with two boxes of chinese food in one hand and movies and chopsticks in the other.
cuddle up
watch movies and eat.
sounded brilliant in my head.
she's in oakland
so i sit here...
in adams house all alone
bored and pissed out of my mind
making my first journal(and first day i've had LJ)
hope you'll read and see how emo i am.
this has become my new venting system instead of mid night rambles after acting like a champaign bottle to people.