That's all, that's all

Dec 06, 2010 16:21

It's now less than two weeks before I am in CB for Xmas! I am really excited because I have so much time off for it this year. I am also getting a ride home with Amanda in her (shitty) car because she's picking up Derrick at the airport. Ryan is also coming home then too because he has a shit ton of time off too.

I wasn't sure if we were going to go to Petit de Grat firstly and then to the Mines, but Kyle, Cindy and Olivia won't be there until the 23rd, since I wanna actually have them there when I'm in the little French fishing town with Ryan's parents, I think we should Sydney Mines it up firstly. Spend actual Xmas there and then head Arichat way for aftermath. Mainly, I have to be in Sydney Mines for actual Xmas or my mother will have me murdered to death.

I also enjoy this cuz Ryan's going to have a first hand of the Snow family's Xmas Eve church experience. As an atheist, I don't much care for church, but I go every Xmas Eve because my mom grew up Catholic (Crazy Acadian Catholic... Like Ryan) and really wants the family in church. (Even though the family's now Anglican.. ) Well, I do appesie here for attendance and the standing, kneeling, greating your neighbor in peace deal (that one's a personal favorite because Amanda and I ham it up every time and embarrass the Hell out of Mom) I refuse to go up for communion. I feel much too hypocritical to do that. Eating a zombie's flesh doesn't really sit well with me. I can appreciate the sentiment of the season of goodwill to others and happy family times, but can't to the actual religious thing. Well, this usually leaves me sitting alone in the pew with my mom freakin at me during and then after church. And every.single.year. I have to explain my atheism to her. I have had this happen for about ten years. Every year she's surprised and disappointed in me. I think it's going to be extra special with another crazy catholic pressuring me to drink the blood (Though I must say, that shit is pretty potent).

I'm also incredibly excited for Stoked because it'd mean running into a ton of lovely people at once and also seeing some awesome music. Problem is Ryan being a pansy because he "doesn't like crowds", "being places for a long time", or "ever meeting my exes". Kyle came over this afternoon for his usual Monday meeting and we had a chat about it and he reminded me Ryan's crazy and Kyle is also friends with his exes (some invited to his wedding) and Ryan has no justification in anything he's saying. It was just nice to have someone on my side for these things. I really enjoy saying something and having the other person in the conversation not only not telling me that I'm not wrong, but agreeing and elaborating. But, for all my complaints about the guy, I still love him. So, what can ya do?

Also, since I may be in Sydney Mines for a while, I really wanna visit people, grab a coffee, reconnect, have you meet the crazy French man. (He is actually quite lovely, talented, kind, and  funny. LJ is just my venting for when he's frustrating.) So yeah! Let's do it! Let me love you!

Know what I'm not overly excited for? Spending time in a little French fishing village. Frig, I can not escape men from there. hahaha Let's hope things are open later than in Louisbourg shall we? hahaha

A bientot mes amours

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