Constitutional change?

May 28, 2013 23:03

I will believe a corporation or business has right to be involved in politics when:
  • it is responsible for generations older and younger, those who cannot be fired or cut off
  • it gives birth, teaches morals and ethics by their example, and wipes away tears of those in pain
  • It faces destitution from illness or disaster without billion or million dollar bailout
  • It exercises serious philanthropy without tax break and publicity
  • it bleeds when it loses an arm in a foreign war
Corporations, as fictional bodies, should have some rights, of course.   They can make contracts, buy and sell their product to anyone with the money and right to buy, and plan for the long term.  But we never should have forgotten that these fictional creations are not people.

"We the people" is the start of the American Constitution.  Not we the businesses, not we the social-circles, nor we the churches.  Each of those groups, no more than people in no groups, are made of the people of the Constitution. We elect the people to work in state capitals and in Washington.  Those people are responsible to us, not to some third party's profit.

Individuals in corporations may do some of these, but the corporation feels nothing, not pain, not anguish, an not even brotherly love.  This was not born in muggy summer days in Philadelphia.

pbs, peter sagal, citizens united, constitution usa

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