Gundam Wiki entry Personality: On the surface, Nena is a bubbly, expressive and confident girl who likes to tease and act impulsively. Dig a little deeper and you begin to see that she also has a short temper, a bratty possessiveness, and a skewed sense of propriety. These traits, while all elements of her character, are also superficial layers that unconsciously conceal Nena's true self - a person that is insane, selfish, and dangerous.
Nena's moods, and therefore her temper, are as unstable as a child's. She is both easily bored and easily frustrated, swinging from whining to irritation to murderous rage to sulking and back again to whining. When she doesn't get her way, she takes it out on others out of spite, throwing the blame and punishment on them. Nena is so detached from reality that the consequences of her actions have no meaning for her. For example, she had absolutely no idea why there was such a fuss raised when she casually bombed a civilian wedding for no reason other than that they were having fun and she wasn't; she knew they died because of her, she just never felt remorse or guilt because she had no regard for the value of human life to begin with.
In her defense, it's not all Nena's fault. The sole purpose of her birth was to be a Gundam pilot; her only reason for existing was to perform ruthless interventions; the one thing she believed in was what had been hammered into her all her life: "I am special. I am going to change the world." Nena was raised to see murder as a game and people as objects, just like her brothers. Sociopathy and a sense of self-entitlement were painstakingly ingrained into her psyche. Nena does not understand what is "good" and what is "evil" because she was never taught, and never even had the chance to be taught. She's not governed by what's right and what's wrong, only by her own will and the doctrine that was implanted in her brain. She'll do what she pleases, when she pleases, and won't think twice about hurting those who get in her way because she's secure in the knowledge that her predestined role gives her the right to do all of it and more.
However, what none of the Trinities were ever told was that they had been created to be destroyed. They were sheep who didn't know they were sheep. They were tools to be discarded when they were no longer useful. They were puppets, and they had been lied to since they were born. While Johann, the elder brother, realized it moments before his death, Nena never did. The truth and its implications would shatter the world she had always lived in - a world held together by her childhood training, the influence of her brothers, and her own delusional mind.
That said, Nena's loyalty to and love of her brothers is beyond question and is perhaps her only redeeming feature. They have been all she has ever needed and have always been there to comfort, protect, and support her. Prior to their death, she had never even been seperated from them before. Just as much as she believes in the purpose she was born to fulfill, Nena believes that her brothers are the only people who matter. While she might be affectionate towards others (namely cute, reckless boys) to the point of invading their personal space, it is almost always just a game or an attempt to use someone. Only with her family are her affections genuine.
Abilities: Aside from being a skilled pilot of her own giant fighting robot, Nena is the same as any other teenage girl in all ways but one; the partially-mechanical nature of her body allows her to connect to Veda, the supercomputer of her word. This ability to interface allows her to access, process, download, upload, and in some cases alter most of the data she comes across.
Sample Entry:
Oh ewwww, what kind of clothes are these?! So tacky, and so not my style. I want my uniform back! I hate this, whatever it is, it's ugly and stupid and makes me look fat and it's not pink enough!
Whose house is this anyway? Well, I don't care, I'll just smash it as soon as I can get out of here and back in my Drei. That'll show 'em!...Hey! Hey you, civilian woman! Where the hell am I? And where are my brothers?!
...No, of course those aren't them! I've never seen those brats before in my life. Huh? What are you- hey, kid, don't call me your sister. Unless you wanna make me angry~ And you don't want that to happen, or I'll get Mikhail to cut y- don't you tell me what to do, you old hag! How dare you! I'm Nena Trinity, a Gundam Meister!
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