
Dec 04, 2004 15:17

Special thanks goes to ashbuzz for inviting me here.

And now:

Name: Travis Martin, commonly refered to as Trav
Age: 22
Location: Owensville, Indiana.
Destination: Someplace warmer one way or another.
Three Things You Enjoy: Reading, Writing, Anime
Three Things You Detest: Incompetance, Stereotypes, and MTV-isms
Your Favorite Bodily Organ: The brain
Instrument of Choice: Drums
Weapon of Choice: Whatever can be grabbed ('Hardcore,' if you will)


Last five movies you watched: Spider-man 2, Hellboy, Van Hellsing, Fight Club, and Harry Potter 3
Last five books you read: In the beginning...was the command line, Night Watch, Monstrous Regiment, Lost World (Michael Crichton's), and A Short History of the Civil War
Last ten songs you listened to: Dawn of the Dead by Murderdolls, A.D.I.D.A.S. by Korn, Amos Moses by Jerry Reed, Inner Universe from Ghost in the Shell, Bombshell by Powerman 5000, Everybody Scream by Rob Zombie, Adrenaline by Bush, Solitare Unraveling by Mushroomhead, 53rd and 3rd by Metallica, and Solid by Powerman 5000
Last three albums you purchased: Korn Greatest Hits, The Ramones Tribute CD, and House of 1000 Corpses Soundtrack
Last four albums you pirated: The previous question's answer and also Powerman 5000 The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly have all been ripped onto my hard drive, which counts if I have the term piracy here right.
Did you feel guilty?: Nope
Three favorite artists:[not in the genre of music.] Alex Ross, Dave McKean, and Paul Kidby
Four favorite authors: Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaimen, Michael Crichton, ad H.G. Wells
Your favorite play [theatre]: Clue


Most elaborate scheme to injure someone: I've always heard you could do intresting things with a wire waistcoat and a cheese grater.
Most effective way to avoid conflict: The best way is to not be there when the conflict happens. And when conflict tres to draw you in declare yourself apathetic to it.


Current Occupation: Arcade Worker/College Student

SAT score: 1250


Your Talent: I like to write
You are not good at: Drawing
Your Political Party Affiliation: Republican
Why?: Closest fit (compared to the Democratic Party that is)

At least 4 pictures of you: [one must be for the sole purpose of showing us what you look like. The others may be artistically inclined.]

Here is my newest photo of me.

Me back in May

And a couple photoshopped pics because I like them.

Silly? Yes. But I was bored.

Why do you think you belong here?: Boy this is a difficult one to answer...First off, I was invited by ashbuzz who apparently believes I have some merit. But that's someone elses opinoin and mine is needed here. I'm an individual in process. By that I mean I try not to fit into cliques and groups (jocks, geeks, goth, etc.) and instead be my own person. I'm kindof touchy on that whenever I see someone blindly following a stereotype. I speak and say as I wish, which gets me in some drama from time to time. Not tha that it bothers me, I kindof enjoy it.

...I seriously hate talking about myself. Lets jsut say I'm an interesting person who just tries to make people do more than glance at what's going on in the world.


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