Name:hannah piper erzinger burns
Location:the beauteous bubble that is liberal arts college
Destination: [you interpret this for yourself] art school (poverty)
Three Things You Enjoy: the coastline, sharing lasagna, creating
Three Things You Detest: creative blocks, frisbee golf, confrontation
Your Favorite Bodily Organ: i happen to be a big fan of the spleen. my best friend has a stuffed spleen with a face she got at the thrift store where she works and we call him "eugene the spleen" and he rides on her dashboard.
Instrument of Choice: my pentax k-1000
Weapon of Choice: sarcasm.
Last five movies you watched: harold and kumar go to white castle, hellboy, saved, mean girls, pecker
Last five books you read: bare: the naked truth about stripping, oryx and crake, against love: a polemic, manga! manga!, framing american art
Last ten songs you listened to: fuck you lucy- atmosphere, glory box-portishead, cactus- the pixies, kissing the lipless- the shins, strict machine- goldfrapp, breakfast- mary prankster, something by the mars volta (it was in my friend's room), let's go-bumblebeez 81, i would walk 500 miles- i don't know who sings this, use me-bill withers
Last three albums you purchased:the neptunes, kanye west the college dropout, atmosphere god loves ugly
Last four albums you pirated: i can't computer explodes every time i try to use my file share service...the last albums i pirated were like 3 years ago.
Did you feel guilty?:uh, no.
Three favorite artists:[not in the genre of music.] matthew barney, gregory crewdson, vassily kandinsky, god i could name dozens more.
Four favorite authors: margaret atwood, steve martin, geoffrey(?) eugenides, stephen king, ursula k. leguin, eurydice
Your favorite play [theatre]:oleanna by david mamet
Most elaborate scheme to injure someone: plant a time bomb in their womb. thanks, stewie.
Most effective way to avoid conflict: running.
Grade Point Average: 3.7
Current Occupation:Dispatcher for my campus police (ie working for the least i get to sit down and talk on the radio all day)
SAT score: 1460
ACT score:
Your Talent: the written word is my bitch.
You are not good at: math/science
Your Political Party Affiliation:independent/socialist
Why?:well, i refuse to by into the two party system. and i support a socialist government because getting rich is not as important to me as universal access to health care and education.
At least 4 pictures of you: [one must be for the sole purpose of showing us what you look like. The others may be artistically inclined.]
Why do you think you belong here?: i'm one of the smartest people i know, and i love meeting really cool and motivated people to talk to about life and the world. also i manage to balance a penchant for deep sarcasm with a genuine love of the human race, and that's just a delicious tension.