Character Information:
Full Name: Ash Ketchum
Series: Pokémon (anime-verse)
Canon point: Post-DP, but before he arrives in Pallet Town, so he still has his Sinnoh team on him.
Age: As of B/W, it is canon that Ash is still ten.
Species: Human
Appearance/PB: His Sinnoh appearance will be right over
Appearance upon arrival: Ash will still be in his clothes from Sinnoh and having five Pokémon in their Pokéballs and will obviously be racing towards Pallet Town and then coming here. He's pretty healthy and has no injuries, both outer as well as inner.
Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?: He'll have Pikachu with him, since the little guy has been there since the very beginning, and without Pikachu, Ash would be real upset. Ash considers Pikachu his family, and was the one who started his journey -- after all, Pikachu was his first Pokémon and was the one he keeps in every single region that he goes to. Even if he did have another Pokémon, he'd still be real emotional about losing Pikachu, of all things.
Character History:
Bulbapedia should be enough, but if you want me to expand on any subject, feel free to ask.
In the first season of the Pokémon anime series, Ash was considered as a "dorky" character, not knowing much information about how to capture a Pokémon and even about his world in general. He was clueless and did things on impulse, which led to a whole lot of trouble. And by trouble - we mean the whole shenanigans where he destroyed Misty's bike and even keeps getting chased by Team Rocket, even now.
In the beginning, Ash was pretty energetic and hyper about anything and everything Pokémon ever. I mean, his goal is to be the best Pokémon master, guys, so come on. Why wouldn't he be such a dork about Pokémon? I mean, during the time before he got his first Pokemon, all Ash did was watch Pokémon-related TV shows (mostly Battle Frontier, Gym Battles, Pokémon League, etc), eat, and slack all day. Being raised by his only mother, it is most likely that he did this due to a huge lack of an actual fatherly figure, though it didn't actually bother him too much. After all, his father was a great Pokémon trainer! And Ash would become a Pokémon Master.
Another thing to mention is that even though in the first season, Ash did not get along with all of the Pokémon. However, he soon learned that in order to get along with his Pokémon, he had to connect his own heart with them and connect with them, not only in heart, but in soul, able to connect with his Pokémon using memories -- those that can help not only train his Pokémon, but become good friends, no, they become family.
Even now, Ash is determined to reach his goals. In fact, he's so determined that if anyone gave Ash an idea on how to reach it, or said that his way is the wrong way, he'd get pretty aggravated, and his burning shonen spirit would up to the max!
There are only several words that can describe Ash. He is quite naïve and does not understand much about love, if at all. In fact, in several episodes where several Pokémon (or humans, even) have had crushes, and Ash has hardly understood anything about it, nor had any feelings of this sort at all.
And about his naivete, he can't see through any disguises, whether it be Team Rocket or anyone else. He has to be told that a certain person is in a disguise or else he can't see through it at all.
It is very true that Ash hardly gets angry -- but when he does, he makes the most serious faces. And gets pissed off. And will definitely fight till the very end, whether it be physically or with a Pokémon battle. Oh, and you don't mess with him or his Pokémon. Especially if that Pokémon is his Pikachu. If you steal it, kidnap it, or it goes away -- he will definitely be quite upset (and angry if it's kidnapped/stolen).
One tiny problem that Ash has is the fact that if he can someone and it's in his power, he'll do it, especially if you're a really good friend of his. The best example of this would be him crossdressing. Even though like most boys, he is quite embarrassed by it, he will do it for the sake of helping out his friends. It's kind of in his blood, I guess? And in fact, he'll protect them to his death, though Ash can't die. At all.
He's also quite motivated by the people around him -- especially his closest companions and his Pokémon. In fact, even though he cannot understand or speak the Pokémon language in the way Pokémon can, he can understand them to an aspect that there's a connection. He feels their hearts and can tell when they're exhausted. It's how he creates a strong 'bond' between himself and his Pokémon.
There's also another thing that I must mention here. Ash has a lot of catch phrases and poses, mostly his common one being, "I got _______!" every time he catches a Pokémon, as well as his traditional victory pose. Which, apparently, took him ten days to get. However, this isn't translated as well in the English version, though yes, he will be occasionally doing his victory pose, though probably will not saying his catch phrase, unless it's a joke.
Ash usually relates to most people, whether they be enemies or allies. It's in the same way that he relates to this line in Sinnoh's Time-Space Legend so well, "All lives meet other lives and give birth to something." And that something is a 'bond', which Ash creates with everyone due to a connection, whether it be through a Pokémon, or through a memory that they create together.
Did I forget to mention that Ash steals other characters' catch phrases either as a running joke or for them to remember him? It's kind of a lasting effect that Ash has on people by doing that, and it's one that makes him one of the most memorable characters in Pokémon history. Though it's difficult for him not to be, since he's the main character!
Character Abilities: Ash has the natural ability to never die. Basically, the protagonist shield. No, but seriously...Ash is a normal ten year old. Sure, in the anime, he can do amazing things, but that's mostly natural ability more than anything. Yes, he can jump very far, and he's ridiculously athletic for someone his age. DID I FORGET TO MENTION THAT HE CLIMBS TREES LIKE A MANKEY AND CLIMBS CLIFFS LIKE AN AIPOM?
Also, he doesn't use this often, but he has the power of Aura. Basically, Aura is the lifeforce that is in every single living being, sort of like ki or chakra. What Ash is able to do with it is do a certain move that Lucario knows called "Aura Sphere", though it can also be called a "Wave". It is damaging to the body if you attempt to give too much of it, and it is possible for one to die by using too much of this power. Oh, and he can also use his latent Aura abilities to read the minds of Pokémon that have Aura -- and it's connected to his emotions, especially those of determination to save someone and his own strength of heart.
Possessions: Ash always carries a green backpack in his bag which basically contains some food on the journey back home. He also has on bag of souvenirs from Sinnoh that he's carrying. Of course, he has his eight badges from Sinnoh as well as his badges from the other regions he's been in. He also has a Sinnoh contest pass, half a broken Pokéball, Misty's special lure, half a ribbon, and several other things that I won't mention here because it's completely irrelevant and will hardly, if ever, be mentioned while I play Ash.
Anything else: Nothing much, actually! But if you want me to elaborate on anything, feel free to ask me and I will answer to the best of my abilities.
Action/Communcation thread/post sample:
Over here.
Log/Prose sample:
And here!