oh man.....i can NOT believe they killed Ned!!!! I AM SO NOT HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
that fucking little shit Jeoffrey i can't even....and you know what?? Sansa can kiss my ass too, because i blame her for some of this shit tbh. altho i do feel sort of bad that she basically watched her father's head be chopped off.
i REALLY thought that Ayra was going to go and kill Jeoffrey when she saw that shit going down. so glad that Ned sent his friend or whoever that was to make sure that Ayra didn't see what happened.
i was surprised that Cersei was willing to let Ned go to the wall and live tho. and she was none to happy about Jeoffrey chopping off Ned's head. i'm sure she knows now that shit is DEFINATLY going to go down. if it wasn't going down before.....and i doubt Jeoffrey knows even the SLIGHTEST of what he's done.
Jon Snow doesn't even have to DO anything and yet i still want him in me. it's not even funny anymore, he's just too damn attractive for his own good! and you know that he's gonna leave the wall. he won't be staying there. his father is dead, his brother is going into war, who the hell knows what's gonna happen to his mother or Sansa at this point, and everyone else thinks that Ayra is missing. so you KNOW he's going to leave and fuck some shit up. but i'm a little sad that Ned told him "next time i see you, we'll talk about your mother" And now that's not going to happen :(
and Robb....can i have a sexy sandwich between him and Jon please?? GODDAMN!! poor guy tho...his mom promising him off to some random chick. and promising Ayra lmao! yep...that's gonna happen! i love when Robb asked if Catelyn had seen any of the daughters and she was like "Yeah....one of them was....uhh..." lmao. and OMFG FILTCH!!! i'm sort of loving that some of the HP cast has been on this show! he's just as cheerful as ever too, isn't he??
Tyrion's story was hella sad. he thought he was inlove with that woman only to find out she was a whore who was paid for by his brother. so sad. i guess that does explain why he's a bit fucked up, and why he's not quite as "close" with his siblings as they are with each other.
i'm surprised that they didn't realize that Jaimie is missing yet. god Robb....JUST FUCKING KILL HIM!! or send some sort of letter to Cersei about him....she'll bring down hell itself to get him back, i'm sure.
i'm really confused/worried about Drogo. what is going on?? PLEASE don't kill him!! we've already lost Ned in this episode, we can't lose another main BAMF!! i know that they said that magic really doesn't happen a whole lot in this world. apparently back in the day there was magic and dragons but none of that has happened in a while. so it's interesting to see it coming back.
i have a feeling that that horse that they sacrificed(omg STOP KILLING ANIMALS PLEASE!) didn't even matter at all....i have a feeling that the baby is the sacrifice. and go figure...the first time Dany even looks the slightest bit pregnant she's all "OMG THE BABY IS COMING!"
i can't remember his name, but the blind old guy at the wall.....he's a Targarian(sp?)!!! holy shit!! all this time Viseys and Dany thought they were the last!! THIS MUST MEAN SOMETHING!