Are you Calvin?

Oct 07, 2004 15:45

So i am passed by angry beyond compare. Now i am just embarresed to be in this show. Only one more day.

In better news. Danny Epstein is a freshman who is really funny. He told me another really funny jew joke and reminded me of a scene in a show that was quite posibly the funniest thing ive ever seen.

I did charlie and the chocolate factory after 7th grade and i really hope chris reads this. Me and Chris, especially chris, loved to torment this little demonic child named calvin. Chris actually cut the kid's toe off. No joke. Any way in charlie he had this bit in my scene as wimbo. He did this interpretive dance of the itsy bitsy spider which was quite posibly the funniest part of the show. Just picturing calvin in that ridiculousspider costume was enough. Then picture of him doing the whole interprtive dance thing kept me laughing for like a half hour. I sure hope chris reads this and remembers it because he's the only person who will find it as funny as me and danny epstein did. Your right chris we do neeed to hangout. And to close this fine entry

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