So yeah so much happened this weekend that i didn't capture on film.. thank god and many pictures have been omitted from this entry but i'll leave this intro at the fact that this weekend was confusing.
we didn't mean to wear the same outfit.. it just happened i guess it proves that we are the same person.hahaaa
Zoe and i spent our thursday "odessa" night together after being very disappointed by oc reruns.
i am obviously not that effected...
i laugh like that?
we trekked to macs to buy mix for my drank
i'm not sure what kind of face that is..
zoe enjoying her sleemans we found out the game is coming to van... thought about going and then decided NO
I think this was the same night.. we decided that we were hungry so we went downtown and had to wait copious amounts of time for pizza then met chuck who proceeded to change outfits with me..
i hate it when guys look better in my clothes than me.
next day.. after a game of b ball
her shoes are cool.
that night we waited for people at my apartment and zoe attempted to copy a photo that i took of myself
The original
another copy.. she's pretty close but no cigar
I decided to drink everything with straws while zoe washes some dishes
awe (L) zoe
creepy laughing picture
zoe's gonna kill me for putting this one on
awe... cute
finally libby looks happy in a picture..wahoo
slam dunk?
best shoes ever.. i have plans to make my feet grow and steal them.
i look like i'm 5
libby again
i never knew you could take pictures of rainbows.. seriously.. NO IDEA
bus pictures..