Apr 27, 2007 02:19
I wondered onto LJ trying to find someone, someone I haven't talked to in a while. I'm not sure if I live in the past too much or if I just care soo much about past relationships that shouldn't mean anything to me. Regardless, I don't know if my efforts will prove fruitful.
I'm almost a college graduate, wow. It's a lot to own up to, it means you're officially an adult. Yeah you pretend to be an adult and you do everything that adults do, but it's official now, you graduate and you have to get a job and be accountable for everything. My career goals at this point....
Get filthy rich and enjoy myself. I interviewed a friend's dad recently and he told me, you can't focus on money, if you're successful, that stuff will come with it. So I guess I want to be successful, but I'm not sure in what. Just him saying that has haunted me. What can I do and be successful? I think anything, play in the NHL? NO, but own an NHL team, maybe? I'm not sure there is anything one person can't accomplish if they put theirself into it completely.
I don't know, right now I'm working for the college, RCIC, which will be fun. But everyday that passes is another day I should've been looking for a permanent solution to my unemployment. Temporary solution anyway.
I've thought about writing a book this summer, just a quick collection of short stories that I can be proud of, but I can't decide what the basis for these stories should be. I have lots of material that I've picked up here and there that could lend itself well to a work of fiction. I've also contemplated writing comedy bits that I could possibly perform at some point in the future. It's intimidating, as I watched a special the other day, established comedians said that maybe 1 of 10 jokes will take, it's a lot of throwing things against the wall and getting nothing back.
So I graduate soon and I have no idea what I'll do with my life...
If only I could get paid to play video games.