Mar 11, 2005 15:51
Lets go over what I accomplished on spring break...
//slight sound of crickets//
Ok so I haven't done that much, I've played a lot of video games. I played some MVP, Belch came up the other night and we shot the shit and played video games for the better part of the night. I went and helped Joe get everything he needed for his Xbox and Xbox Live, I think he was pretty frustrated trying to play at home, but these connections around here usually act gay, I told him it'll be worth it once he gets back to school, and it will be. If I had all the hours of my life back that I've spent playing video games, I could've written 60 books and completed my doctorate. But as it stands, I'm just a "gamer" or a "nerd", whatever. "Don't tease me about my hobbies and I won't tease you about being an asshole" BUT I just bought the game CSI, and some of the missions just down right drive me crazy, there is always the smallest piece of evidence that I miss then I can't bring some fool in to interriogate them. I know, CSI sounds lame, it is, but it's good for thrills for like 3 days, the same as the game OCC that I bought was, I actually still need to beat it. I'll save that for the upcoming weeks.
I changed my room around at school and now I'm on the hunt for a loveseat to jam into my room, I'll have exactly no space to walk, but I'll have comfy seating for Xbox playing and TV... and I guess reading to? HW and all that jazz. But I will find something comfortable and fitting and then my room will be AWESOME for the last month or so of school? It's so funny how time flies, and it's sooo sad how my next 4 (or 5 or 6) semesters at Roanoke College are gonna be dreadful because I've swtiched around sooo much. But then I'll be able to graduate and get a REAL JOB!!! UGH!
Now lets talk about what I didn't do on my break, I DIDN'T try and find a job, I DIDN'T go to DSLCC and find out abotu summer courses that I need, I DIDN'T finish my Stat or even start on Winesburg, OH, but I looked through it and it's not THAT much reading.
I DID Finish Ceremony, and I gotta say, it wasn't that bad and it gave me ideas for my "Research Question" that I need to do.
I also saw Be Cool and it was really funny, I'm gonna catch Constantine tonight and then I think Jess is coming back home with me, hopefully next week will be more prodcutive than this one. It's almost summer again, it's getting close, can you feel it?