A date of the up variety (update, for the normal minded)

Mar 21, 2004 22:27

Greetings, one and all. I thought it was time for a good ol' update since it's been a while. Nothing major has happened, but I felt like writing, so here goes. I finished a 10-page paper for my psych class, so that's my biggest accomplishment in quite some time. I also participated in a humorous skit of the prodigal son for my New Testament class, where my group of 8 had tons of fun with a video camera. We broke several campus rules, but seeing as how it was for academic purposes, it was pretty cool!

Today, I went to a tiny African-American church for church along with a friend from my psych class. We're getting ready to study the psychology of religion, and our assignment was to visit a church service unlike others we're used to. It was so cool. Counting my friend and I, there were 8 in the congregation plus the pastor. Despite the pastor living a couple hours away and most of the members live several miles away from the church, they continue to operate their 150+ year old church. One word describes them - dedicated. Not just to history, but to Christ, as well. I felt uplifted by their openness and simplicity. I think I might go back again sometime, without the main reason being for a project.

I heard on NBC Nightly News tonight about a lesbian Methodist preacher who was found not guilty of breaking Methodist church standards regarding homosexuality. What a sad commentary on America. The people who preach for believers to turn away from sin are the ones who need to be taking God's Word to heart. I am not anti-gay, because I don't hate homosexuals. I love them as I love others. But I do not condone their lifestyle, and I do not believe they have any place being in leadership positions within the church. It is heresy. You can't white out parts of Scripture you find "offensive" or whatever. I despise our culture.

Anyway, I don't want to end on a sour note. Therefore, I shall conclude with a Deep Thought by Jack Handey.

"If aliens from outer space ever come and we show them our civilization and they make fun of it, we should say we were just kidding - that this isn't really our civilization, but a gag we hoped they would like. Then we'd tell them to come back in 20 years to see our real civilization. After that, we'd start a crash program of coming up with an oppressive new civilization. Either that, or just shoot down the aliens as they're waving goodbye."

God bless, keep it real.

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