Oct 21, 2001 16:07
Greetings. It's been a while since I've written in here. I haven't felt like writing in here much. I like thinking to myself. Besides, hardly anyone reads this...not that that was a reason for writing. But I thought I'd speak my mind.
I was talking to one of my friends from school and she was telling me how she thinks if you believe in something that much that you should not give up. See, I strongly believe that Amanda is the kind of girl I am looking for. She has all of the qualities and things that I look for in a girl. She is serious about her Christian faith, and she's mature. But at the same time, she is silly and fun to joke around with. So it's a nice blend of personality...she's the only one I've met that's quite like she is. And I really think a girl like her is who I'm looking for. Amanda's one cool girl.
I don't know how long she and her b/f will be together, but I don't want to be jealous or anything. I wish there wasn't the two-year age gap between us. I know it's probably weird for a college freshman to go out with a lowly high school junior. I honestly believe a chance exists. It may not be for a while, but I definitely think she's the kind of girl worth waiting for. I think I might be compromising some of my standards if I went after a girl that lacked a lot of the qualities that Amanda has. I wish I knew what was the best thing would be to do. I will definitely keep praying. For once, I'm trying to be optimistic instead of my usual pessemistic self. It does feel a lot better.
Hmm. I can't think of anything else to talk about. God bless, keep it real.