you're the best around~

Sep 17, 2011 10:48

Arashi does a concert somewhere in America and I am there screaming my head off and singing all the lyrics and thinking that it is just the best thing to ever happen ever.

And then there's a meet and greet.

As I go through the line and hand over my plain white sheet of paper so they can write things, it's this really quiet atmosphere because all of them are trying to concentrate really hard on writing things in English. I'm sort of confused as to why they are writing massive paragraphs instead of just signing their names, but I wait there patiently as I make it to each member.

Second to last is Sho, and he's got the best handwriting, but his manager keeps writing parts of the message so I keep getting distracted from watching. I notice that there is a coffee in front of him, so I pick it up.

"Sho," I say, and he looks up. I point at the lid, and then at my lips, asking if I can have a sip. This does not even register to me as completely fucking weird, nor do I think about the indirect kiss aspect. He thinks I'm being a crazy person and looks back down.

"SAKURAI SHO-SAN," I say this time, and he looks up, and I put the lid right up near my lips by accident. So at this point I feel like a TROLLOP and I push the coffee back toward him and awkwardly move on to Jun.

Jun who is staring at me and laughing really loudly.

He hands my paper back to me and I run away from the place clutching it, eventually end up out in this shopping mall type area, and go to read my messages. Most of them are indecipherable, but Sho's I can see is a promotion of his next project, and then Jun's. Which says --

Thank you. You are so funny! Please support us. ♥ Matsujun


dream, juuuuuuun, arashi

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