friday was one fucking amazing day
saturday Andrew and I paid money to go to New Jersey....I don't understand it either
we visited Diana in L.B.I. (Long Beach Island), but first we took the train to Tom's River...word Tom's River!!!
see if you can figure out how fun our trip was from these photos
yeah, we're pimps
Andrew and I being tourists at Tom's River
the whole gang last night after showers cause we were on the beach all day and kyacking in ucky salt marshes, Cam hates photos but look how dark I got
dramatic Diana and Andrew photos
Teddy's new name is T-Bone
Andrew looks like he's 2
we watched Urban Legends 2...obviously Diana and I were very scared
Andrew and Cam like to cuddle together
tomorrow I'm going to die
or possibly thursday
and whats even worse is I'm going to the midwest