(no subject)

Sep 25, 2018 17:37

here is what happens when you are excited about a thing. you get very excited about the thing- lets say on this occasion that the thing was driving three hours across country to a hindu retreat centre where they have a MOTHERFUCKING ELEPHANT which just wanders around doing elepahnt style things (like eating peanuts out of peoples outstretched palms, dancing around in a tutu in front of a psychedelic cartoon background, taking massive dumps in front of peter purves, that sort of thing). anyway, this is what happens in real life, when you have been running around like a fucking five year old shouting 'im going to wales to meet an elephant!' to everybody in the entire world, many of whom look at you in response as if you may have undiagnosed developmental issues: the van you are in blows up on the m4 and you end up sitting in the carpark of a service station just outside port talbot (or 'puhtulbot' s the welshes call it), eating a revolting combination of bread and defrosted seafood that i would hesitate to grace with the name 'sandwich' and doing the sun quick crossword for two hours. life, eh? oh, life. oh, life. doo- doo- doo
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