update update update!!!!

Apr 11, 2006 23:56

ok so im back to give an update although not many people read this so i guess its for my own benefit...hmmmm well i quit that crappy-ass job coz they were just fucking me around and i couldnt afford to work ony one day a week. umm flea moved out and we dont realy talk anymore....i dont realy know how i feel about it right now...i guess its a shame that a friendship of 4 years could turn to crap because of money but then i shouldnt realy be supprised. i have a new job which i love ( im piercing again!!) and the pay is pretty good but in june my pay and hours are going up which is fucking fantastic!...dues to money problems tom and i have moved the wedding date back a few months to novemeber and there might be a different band playing but appart from that the plans are comming along nicely...

ooooh yeh im so gangsta!!!

old sunnies

NEW SUNNIES!!! oooh yeh
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