I have this problem. It's called bruxism. Which sounds like it should have something to do with witchcraft, which would be kind of cool, but really is just a fancy way of saying I grind my teeth together. Mostly in my sleep or if I have to deal with idiots, but it really depends on my stress levels; sometimes I do it constantly.
It all started after I did too much speed with some friends in the early 90's. We were going out dancing at this club in the city (where I got picked up by a totally hot girl and we made out in the bathroom but sadly I was just fucked up enough to be too embarrassed to call her later and just responsible enough not to go home with her that night and get laid. Sorry, Kathryn, wherever you are.) Anyway, I was really high and even when I went home I was grinding my teeth with how wired I was and I guess I kept doing it in my sleep and have done it ever since, to the point of wearing down my enamel and cracking fillings. Moral of the story, boys and girls: drugs are bad for you in an exciting and wide-ranging variety of ways, not just the ways they make after-school specials about.
Anyway, that was a long time ago. And lately when I've had these bouts (it comes and goes) my jaw has started to hurt. And my body is no longer as resilient as it was, and I live in fear of TMJ. So I finally (finally! after years of knowing about these!) went out and bought myself a
night guard. It cost $20, took about five minutes of basic prep to customize, fit like a dream, and I woke up without a headache this morning for the first time in weeks.
Why didn't I do this years ago?
I mean, I thought about it. I just...didn't. It somehow seemed "not for me." I just put my dog in diapers, too, which I'd been resistant to in much the same way. And it's such a fucking relief, I can't even tell you, not to live in fear of what I will find when I get home, not to have to let her out multiple times in the middle of the night, and not to have to worry about the strain her messes put on my relationship. Et voila!
Why didn't I do that years ago?
What other simple, easy changes am I overlooking that could make similar radical differences to my quality of life? Why didn't I think of these before? What makes mental inertia so strong?