Weird request to UK toilet users

Dec 18, 2009 16:38

Yep, this is weird, so I'll keep it short ish

My little daughter Caitlyn has a favourite soft toy, called (imaginatively) Puppy, which is a little golden Labrador. I'm currently trying save up tokens from Andrex Toilet Rolls to get her a little friend for the extremely battered Puppy - these tokens can be gained through a little code on the package.

So! If there's any UK person out there whose bottom is normally caressed by the silky soft touch of Andrex - there's my plug, in the nicest possible way - then I would dearly love to get the internet code that will be written on the inside of the plastic packaging for 4 roll packages and 9 rolls. The code is covered by a big black box on the outside, so you have to rip it open and then read it - these are only given in the packs which actually has "puppy points" illustrating the packet such as:

(under cut due to largeness of piccie)

(although normal tissues have them too, not just the fancy puppy on the roll ones)

Thanks muchly! ^^ I shall stop now before short gets disturbingly long...

puppy points, personal

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