May 31, 2005 00:54
i lobe coffee...
especially when it comes from my sweet starbucks coffee mug
no, not the red thermose (which i have to admit would indeed get it's ass kicked by the nascar cup...)
my green square shaped mug one.
"starbucks mug?!?! you trendy litte upper middle class fuck!"
well if that's the way you feel, they yes, i guess I am...
my apologies.... it's caffeine.. it does things to meh
if this is what i'm like on coffee i don't ever wanna know what i'm like when i'm drunk! or even stoned!!! godforbid EITHER ever happen to me.....
i really do rather enjoy this icon.... muahahaha....
--Mar-Grit---Marr(spanish rolling rr sound)gar-eh-- Marg--Margy---Margie (uhh.... :digust:)---etc. etc....
just pour me a drink, cuz i need a kick, i don't wanna think, i just wanna sip
I've recently realized several things, A) the game Battleship is very much fun, but even more fun when you're playing it with other people B) sometimes I really think it's about time for me to get a life... C) It's also fun to type random letters to people..., but you have to write back and forth, like it's a dialogue (Ex. Dear Jimmy, It's mom, how are you?? i'm good. Dear Mom, it's jimmy, i'm good, just relaxing in my 3 million dollar home with my 4 cats and pink feather boa... you get the idea) and you can't look at the keyboard or screen so you just have to guess where the keys are. you'll end up with alot of misspelled words (unless you've got too much time on your hands and have learned to type properly.. which i guess if you're trying this you must..) which you then let microsoft spell check fill in with the word it thinks you tried to type. the results can be entetaining. you end up with things like Dear JUMMY its mom, how are you>> I’m good. First mom, it’s jimmy, I’m good just replacing in my e million foliar mansion with my 5 cars bad oak feta bias. you're going to need a pretty good imagination for this one... and possible alot of time and lack of anything better to do with it. D) i really do have too much time on my hands.. and i need to work on my lit crit...