Jun 18, 2006 12:40
and so the final countdown has begun...
my program in granada draws to a close in a matter of only 11 short days. i´m in disbelief. when i first arrived here, i was sure that this would be one of those ´restrosepect trips´, by which i mean i knew that, although i´d be having a good time, the weight of the trip´s value would not be realized until i had returned to the normalcy of my life in the united states. my prediction, however, appears to have been a bit short sighted. in the past few days, i have grown incredibly acclimated and comfortable with my new way of life in spain. the people in my group, many of whom i had prematurely written off as imbeciles, have proven to be some really wonderful people; people that i´ll certainly miss once the program concludes. even my home in granada, a place where i thought i would never feel completely at ease, has proven to be a comfortable refuge of relief in times of stress and uncertainty. my family here treats me with a highly appreciated level of respect, providing me with much needed privacy while remaining constantly willing to sit down and engage in a friendly conversation. dunn´s presence, too, has provided me with a wonderful balance of the old and the new, alleviating any of the faint hints of homesickness that echoed in the depths of my mind while abroad.
although the salad days of my youth appear to be waning, the future still looks bright for yours truly. below is a list of what lies ahead for your humble narrator:
1-one final free weekend with the LSU in spain group. come this thursday, we´re all headed to valencia for three days of drunken mahem in andalucia.
2-a handful of days in madrid with the group following our departure from granada. a chance to coexist as tourists with my fellow group members without the burden of early morning classes at the centro de lenguas modernas as well as the much anticipated arrival of sam and ahsley.
3-a week of backpacking through italy, the czech republic and germany with sambo and ashely. after such a long stint settled in spain, i´m really looking forward to uprooting myself and visiting some unfamiliar territory with some familiar faces.
4-3 weeks of rest and relaxation in san antonio before i make the return for my fourth and final year at louisiana state university. there i´ll have the chance to work on my manuscript, hang out with friends, spend some quality time with my mother and potentially be paid a visit by some of my closest friends from LSU.
5-the arrival of what could potentially be my best year of college. i have so many wonderful things to look forward to: finally being with michelle, living in a great apartment with conway, sage and benny, a good schedule and being reunited with the most important people in my life. although this semester, which promises to filled with the stresses of graduate school applications, will certainly be a trying experience, i´m confident that i´ll get through the bullshit and everything will work out as it should.
enough of this high-in-the-sky-apple-pie-hopes live journal entry...its so irrefutibly out of character. don´t worry, i´m sure the shit will hit the fan again soon enough.
no mas.