on taking finals and 'shooting' an e-mail...

Dec 13, 2005 23:10

below is an e-mail that i sent to my poli sci prof, immediately following the discovery of my final grade...

Dr. Herndon,

For the sake of matching a face to a name, I'm the young man who shook your hand after the final this afternoon. I've never done this before, but I feel like I need to whine about my 89% weighted average for your class. Here are some reasons to justify my grade-grubbng:

1- I received above class average grades on all three of your exams.

2- I received a perfect 10 out of 10 for the pop-quiz grades, displaying my perfect attendance for the entirety of the semester's lectures.

3- My score of 94% this afternoon was an impressive 14 points above the class average for the final exam.

Well, i suppose those are my only three valid reasons to request an A in your course, but....come on! I mean, really, an 89! It's just so damn close! Plus....graudate school admissions are getting more and more competitive these days, etc., etc.

Getting down to brass tacks, you're a reasonable guy and I gave an honest effort in learning the material in your course. An A would truly help me out, and I feel as though i've honestly earned one in your class. As I mentioned earlier, i've never asked a teacher to amend my final grade, but an 89% could potentially haunt me for the rest of my life. Think of the long-term effects, Dr. Herndon!

As always, your faithful pupil,

william torrey

note: this e-mail will work, i guarantee it.

also: see you on sunday, bitches
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