Last time there was a heirpoll. I was sort of really glad it wasn't up to me to pick a heir xD Anyway, it closed with Bee as the supreme loser with only 9 votes, Bear as pretty popular with 22 votes and Bishop as the undisputed winner with 44 votes.
Anyways, while waiting on the heirpoll to close I spent a bit of time adding on and redecorating the house, as it was getting ridiculously cramped:
They actually got something resembling a dining area now.
While the kitchen nook is basically as cramped..
The "living room" area expanded slightly. Up to three people can sit there at the same time now! :O
Upstairs became a sort of library-ish thing.
And this is the outside, obviously... nothing overly creative or thrilling, but I nearly flunked Descriptive Geometry in high school so my ambitions aren't that high.
I predicted all the way back in 1.1 that Alphonse would never achieve his ltw as a Tinkerer, and I think I was right. Alphonse basically spend all his waking hours tinkering things now.
Also, I haven't spammed him nearly enough these past updates, so here's a picture of the cute old gramp.
Speaking of being a gramp, Bee goes into labour while out on town.
Consequently she has to take herself to the hospital, which I had expected all along.
But what I had not expected was for Sebastian to hurry in after her :3
She brings home a babyboy named Christopher. She's actually smiling for once, though she must have forgotten how to because her eyes are going cross-eyed at the strain. But it's a smile none the less!
One of Bishop's many and random boyfriends regularily crashes the house and makes themselves quite welcome.
Continuing to surprise me, Sebastian decides that he actually wants to marry Bee. Not standing between love I let him arrange a party.
Bee: zzzNuke the worldZZzz
The party kick starts with a vampire collapsing on the lawn in a quite compromising position.
Alphonse and Marina snuggle up and are cute about it.
While Bishop fails spectacularily in the bathroom. Get used to see this.
A while into the party I got pretty annoyed that the option to "get married" didn't want to show up. Until I realized they weren't even engaged...
So it became an engagement party instead xD
Bear: Does this mean you're finally moving out?
Being the actual engaged couple, both Bear and Carolina got negative moodlets for having missed their wedding. Oops.
With a son and just having gotten married Sebastian decides he want to take a crash course in parenting, so he stands upright all night reading pregnancy books.
Bee actually smiles most of the time now, to my amazement. I never thought Sebastian would shape up, but becoming a father changed him completely :3
Bishop: Doing homework is pointless, I'm going to nuke the world to oblivion anyway.
Alph: Good to hear you've got ambition son.
Little Christopher became a toddler, sporting his father's face but his mother's eyes and lips.
And Alphonse's birthmark.
I can see you're well prepared for parenthood yourself Carolina.
Marina is talking about her car Big Lemon again, she has a better relationship to that car than her kids.
What with Christopher having become a toddler it's time for them to move out.
Bye Bee, try and live a good life.
For some reason, I really don't know what, Alponse and Marina's relationship took a deep dive downwards. They aren't even friends anymore.
Bishop: Hey big brother, come here and give me a few tips on how to be evil.
Bishop: Come onnnnnn~
Bishop: Pretty please?
Bear: You should go and make your bed.
Bishop: Wat.
Speaking of beds: Bishop got to move upstairs to Bee's old room.
Something he seems thoroughly pissed off about.
Bear and Carolina's wedding was a very quiet and simple affair, but I don't think either minded (what with Carolina being a loner and terrified of parties).
Though Bear did throw up straight afterward, I don't know what that says about anything xD
The Bowyer's are moving on up in the world and hired a maid by the name of Edgardo Self.
Marina: I appreciate that you want to keep me company while I eat, Mr Edgardo, but I don't think this is what I am paying you for.
Mr Edgardo didn't much care about Marina's reprimand and continued to eat their food.
Needless to say he got fired.
Bishop: Mmm, still tastes of maid.
Bear: Mum, dad, are you sure Bishop is fit for heirship?
Bishop: Do you think I am fit for heirship?
Fit or not, it's time for a birthday! (Also notice that Bear got his fuzz back,
Now you'll get shocking before and after images. So, BEFORE
Can hardly recognize him, amirite or amirite? xD
Now I'd like to point out three things: #1 this is the first Bowyer meal together.
#2 Carolina is pregnant!
#3 The new maid got a bowler hat.
Because he flunked school Bishop got mean-spirited as his last trait. Somehow it suits him just right.
Bishop: I'll move if you ask nicely.
Out on town Bishop discovers the wonders of celebrities.
Bishop: Wait for meee~
Bishop: OMFG HAI!!
Wogan: ...
Wogan: I'll have to go now.
Bishop: But you won't ever leave me, will you Mr Boat?
Bishop: *inconspiciously inserts himself infront of a paparazzi camera*
Alphonse knows one single recepy, and that's cookies. He bakes cookies all the time.
Bear and Carolina takes parenting very seriously.
Wth Bishop? He was done talking to Wogan on the phone and then began doing this. I can promise you his bladder was completely green.
Bishop: *~fails spectacularily~*
Still being wonderful and cute together.
Bear: Hello there little fellow, daddy bought you a teddybear today, tihi.
Alph: It's sweet that you want to serenade me honey, but I really need to pee now.
Bishop: And then I was all: should I get the new samsung or an iphone? I mean I hear a lot of good things about the newest samsung model but-
Wogan: I'm going to starve to death, aren't I?
Bear: Did you just pee in bed?
Carolina: No, that would be my water breaking.
Carolina: I am going to be a mother C:
Bear: Mwhahahaha, this baby is going to be my evil little prodigy!
Carolina: That's nice dear, but could you please get the car?
Bear: Ooooh, shiny!
Carolina: Fine, I'll get it.
They bring back a little baby boy and his name is Caspian.
Bear: What are you doing?
Bishop: Playing with Mr Boat.
Bishop: Do you want to play with Mr Boat?
Bear: No.
Bishop&Alphonse: MINUSMINUS
For some reason Marina really hate Carolina's guts. I was thusly surprised when I found the two chicks chatting it up.
Carolina: I find that when Bear is acting up it helps hitting him around the head with a skillet.
Marina: Yes, that's what I usually do as well.
/tender father and son moment
Turns out that Wogan's fear of Bishop starving him to death with his talk had merit.
Bishop: Man this guy is dull, I'm falling asleep here.
The vampire ghosts are still just as awesome.
Seems like Death figured he was right at home because he went to the kid's bedroom to chill on the bed.
Bishop being Bishop did not have any sensibility towards the grieving widow and crowded her into the bathroom.
Bishop: So you're like a star right? Famous and stuff?
Someone else who is a star is Bear. He's a four star celebrity and had the maid nearly wet his pants at the sight of him.
He also drives everywhere in a limo.
What is this I don't even.
Caspian had a birthday.
Lol xD He comes in peace.
Smacking some hair on him it turns out he's awefully pretty.
Bear's lips, mummy's eyes and hair and mixed skintone.
Marina actually despises him. Their relationship is in the red. I think she's getting majorly senile in her old days.
One night while crashing a party again.
Tiara: Are you sure about this?
Bishop: So this is like a party trick, right?
Bishop: Holy crap I'm never drinking my own drinks again.
Because he sleeps all day and is awake all night to party, it falls on Bishop to take care of Caspian. He seems terrified xD
Bishop: You know...bats?
Marina: Minus
Bear: Bwaha, who is the new favourite son now?!
So Bishop was out hooking up with this towel person-
- when something a lot more interesting came walking in the door.
Towel Guy: So I'm like a shooting star, I'm just waiting to happen.
Yukio Murakami is one of many townies I made a while ago to sprite up the neighbourhood. I had forgotten all about him.
Caspian takes up his habits from his mum and spends most of his free time watching television. He doesn't give the toys I bought him even a second glance.
But he's so incredibly cute I forgive him.
Leaving Bishop unsupervised while talking to people often ends in arguments or deaths, but Yukio seems somewhat charmed.
Towel Guy II Oh my, you're Bishop Bowyer aren't you?
Bishop: I'm working here so scoot it gramps.
Marina: If you boys hadn't spent so much time being criminals and prostitutes at night you wouldn't be so tired either!
Bishop: Err... excuse me?
You'd think there was only one toilet in this house. If they don't scream at each other and stamp around in the smallest one, they pee themselves.
I also marvel at the sims' ability to walk around the entire lot to find a suitable place to pass out, instead of just going to bed.
Bishop: Yes I am aware that it's in the middle of the night, but I had a really bad dream about the moon and I need you to come here and hug me.
Amazingly, Yukio did actually come.
Caspian: *starestarestare*
I think we have a keeper here.
Bishop: So, as you know, I am totally amazing and could get, like, any guy I want.
Bishop: But sometimes it's smart settling for the next best thing, so do you want to be my boyfriend?
Marina: Damn bitches just does not move.
Yukio: You have a lot of pillows.
Bishop: Yes.
Yukio: I LIKE it!
Sorry for the bad picture, but I just wanted to show off how buff Bear has gotten after pumping so much iron.
Bishop: Oshi-
Carolina: *sigh* What have you done this time then?
Meanwhile, upstairs, Yukio is being accosted by his future father in law.
Yukio: I seriously don't see the big...
Alphonse: LOLOLOL, you actually believed it!
Yukio: But why would you trick me in such a way?
Alphonse: You aren't very funny, are you?
Bishop: I'm hungry, come here.
Yukio: Y-you mean you want to drink from my arm?
Bishop: Your arm? I think not.
Bishop: Honey, don't be scared.
Yukio: Ow.
Bishop: Tastes like innocense.
Alphonse: Now, we don't tolerate dirty dishes in here, so if you're going to be my son's meal you'll have to take regular baths, do you understand that?
Yukio: Yes sir.
Bishop: I like you, so you're moving in here now.
Yukio: Ok.
Again the traits elude me, but I suppose they aren't all that important anyway.
Sending Bishop out on the town I found him some hours later carrying Caspian with him. I have no idea what he thought he was playing at.
Poor kid, your uncle is seriously demented.
Marina: I think Bishop isn't normal anymore.
Alphonse: I prefer not to think about it.
I loled a bit when I found that Bishop's favourite dish went from ratatouille to blood type O Positive xD
Dearest me, someone is really feeling ill!
Bishop: I know you want it. I know you just can't stay away. I know you want to-
Bishop: -play with my boat!
Bear: Don't listen to your uncle, Caspian.
Bishop: You wannnnt it~
Bear: Hypnosis doesn't work on me, Bishop.
Bishop: You have to ask nice.
Having begun his career as a professional author I suppose Yuki will basically spend the rest of his life riiiight there on that spot.
This was creepy. They later got joined by two more vampires. I pity the lone, lost sim there.
Yuki sort of popped while out on the town.
/random cute family moment
Having finally made up after whatever it was that had them fall out, Alphonse and Marina celebrated this by going to the movies together(and woohooed no less than four times).
Bishop: Something's definitely in there, I'm just not certain it's a baby.
I know I should have kicked Bear and his family out a long time ago, but I am soft, and now it's already time for Caspian to grow into a kid.
This being the Bowyers, some protocol has to be had whenever there is a party of some kind.
Caspian, as I feared, grew up to be every inch as cute as I had thought he'd be, plus a bit more.
And he continues to walk in his mum's footsteps :3
It's the day of Bishop's and Yuki's wedding and Bee showed up. What have you done to your hair?
Sebastian has had time to grow old, William Fangman is still alive and apparently I really need to download new preg male mesehs.
Bishop: Miiiiiine.
This time Alphonse had the honour of peeing himself as the father of the groom.
Yuki *serene*
Bishop: wassap with the screaming in here?
Bishop: Are you fucking serious?
Bear: YES!!
Bishop: BUT WHAT DO I DO?!
Bear: I DON'T KNOW!!
Bishop: Well, have fun solving this Yuki.
Bear: She's just about to max her skill.
Bishop: Awesome.
Yuki: D:
I eventually ordered Bishop to take his husband to the hospital, since for some reason Yuki couldn't birth at home. To my surprise they brought home a girl, despite feeding Yuki a dozen apples. Oh well.
First born generation 3 is named Coraline, and she was born perceptive and insane, much to my pleasure.
Sadly this means I can't keep on putting off moving Bear out. I did it while Caspian was in school so I didn't have to see him leave as well ;_;
Well, that was the end of an insanely long chapter! Next time we'll see how Coraline grow up, if Bishop will ever learn to be kinder to his husband, and will Alph and Marina be able to finish their ltws in time?!
Thanks to everyone who voted on the heirpoll ♥
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