the Bowyer Legacy 1.2

Dec 29, 2010 19:49

Last: We met founder Alphonse Bowyer. He lacked a good couple of braincells, but thankfully he met a really sweet girl named Marina while playing WoW. Alph proceeded to utterly fail as a family father by not getting promoted even once and being scared of his offspring. Second generation Bee and Bear were born.

Bee is here showcasing some really awesome parenting skills by running next to the freeway and taking the subway all alone into the city.

Said parents are busy doing something much more important than following their daughter to the game; namely chatting with strangers on the internet.

Speaking of Alphonse and his fails. It was getting ridiculous that he never got promoted and ended up losing his job for no good reason, so I re-installed Ambitions and he has officially become a detective. Now lets see how well this will go.

Marina might have forgotten everything about Bee, but she sure dotes on Bear a lot.

Marina: I like them while they're small and cute!

Bee's school needed some cookies for a bake sale, and Alphonse agreed to apply his awesome skills to the task. Too bad Marina couldn't keep away and he had to make at least five batches xD

Marina: Just a little taste of the dough?

Alphonse: *roll of eyes*

Remembering that she got a daughter, Marina decides it's about time to teach her all about the flower and the bees.

Marina: So when a mommy and daddy like each other very much-

Marina inevitably chickens out, so Alphonse decide to take over.

Alphonse: So the man got wood, right, and-

Bee: Please spare me dad.

Alphonse: But you gotta learn sooner or later!

Bee: I'm eight, boys give me cooties.

Alphonse: Well when I met your mum, she got long blonde hair then, she was not scared daddy would give her any cooties, no ma'am!

Bee: Mum, make dad shut up!

Marina: Alph, dear, are babies supposed to sparkle like this?

Everyone forgot about poor Bear's birthday, including me. Oops xD

Mum's pretty blue eyes and dad's honey blonde hair.


Alphonse is on his first case as a professional detective helping a frail maiden in distress out on the pier.

Rummaging around in a dumpster without getting seen is a bit harder in the big city. Luckily this is expected behaviour from shifty looking men in trenchcoats.

Alphonse: I easily solved the case about your cheating husband. So I'll just sign your boob here and that will be 500.

Distressed Maiden: Why I never!

Alphonse: It would appear as if I have caught myself on fire. Hm!

It's Bee's birthday and as a birthday gift she has gotten her very own room! What more could a young girl want.

Actual attention from her parents? Pffft, don't be absurd!

Bee: OMFG, I got my very own Maneki Neko! Awesuuuuum!

See, Bee is quite satisfied.

Mr. Vlad: Hello Mr Bowyer, I am to understand your daughter is celebrating her birthday today?

Alphonse: Yeah, but you're still not getting in.

Alphonse: *celebrates daughter's birthday*

Marina: /care

Marina had her own birthday just after. Maybe that's why she was so grumpy.

Bee: My mother used to be young and beautiful.

Bee fails something hard at opening the dresser drawer.

Quite the spitting image of her mother, except she got her father's eyes :)

You two, stop being adorable together!

Bee: Hey dad, I just got a job!

Alphonse: Great, now we might be able to afford a washing machine.

On the topic of jobs: Detective is made for Alphonse. He actually get to hack things. Also; three promotions. Count them: three promotions.

Marina: I swear, I AM famous!

Miss Bouncer: Famous like my ASS maybe! Get out of my bar!

Yeah, the Bowyer life sure is glamorous.

I just found it cute. Sorry for the spam :)

Bear is a grumpy little fellow.

Bee: Ugh, socializing gives me a migraine.

Yet she brought this guy home from school. Apparently the son of her mother's boss.

Bee: Wanna hear some sweet gossip about my dad? I hear he got like a bass skill, would you believe it?

Sebastian: Omfg, are you serious?

Bee: Lolol, totally serious.

Aw sim gossip.

Further out in the night Sebastian busted out his bass, so they got into jamming.

It got a bit more embarrassing and a bit less romantic once Marina decided she wanted to join.





On a different note: Bear is having an unnoticed birthday again.

Oh. Well. He's a bit awkward at this stage. Some clipping of teeth that I hope he'll grow out of. Also, I have apparently failed at colouring his face mask properly. He got his father's nose though.

Alphonse's job now involves chasing young girls through the park during night. Awkward.

Alphonse: Marina, we haven't woohooed since Bear was born. Can't we please please please have sex?

Well, how could you have turned that down?

Sneaky sneaky. Alphonse hid in Bear's bed hoping I wouldn't find him so he didn't have to go chasing little girls and snooping through other people's mail again.

Mysterious gnome!

Alphonse: So I know you got that kid's moutwash. Could you please just hand it over?

Old Woman: Hah, you humour me with your efforts at justice. That mouthwash is mine now, fair and square.


He seriously just beat up an old woman over some mouthwash...

... he got it though.

Bee: Y'know, I remember a time when we actually ate real food and not just cake.

Alphonse: What are you insinuating?

Alphonse: Hey Mr. Vlad.

Mr. Vlad: Your daugh-

Alphonse: Still in school Mr. Vlad.

Bear: Are you a real, evil vampire, Mr. Vlad?

Mr. Vlad: I am indeed little one. I am indeed.

Mr. Vlad: And maybe I have been chasing the wrong Bowyer spawn all along.

They then proceeded to play tag at which Mr. Vlad cheated by using his vampire skillz

Bear: Holy shit, this is my sisters room. We can't be in here, we'll get cooties!

Mr. Vlad: You're an esquisite piece of art, young Mister Bowyer.


Nice. Getting your pictures taken as you're snooping through someone's mail.


Maybe she's just getting a bit fat?

Marina has changed her lifetime wish from top of business career to golden fingers golden tongue or whatever it is. Considering she has yet to get promoted even once (thanks to sexism in the game forcing women to stay home with the kid /equal rights).

Hah, Marina's nemesis walked by and actually tipped her for her playing.

As an off note: Marina wasn't getting fat. She was getting pregnant. A bit late, but oh well.

Alphonse: You just won't believe what I read on the internet about Marina Bowyer.

Marina: Alph, honey, I am standing right here.


This can only mean one thing:


I forced Alphonse to do something else so Marina could deliver the kid at home. She gave birth to a baby boy named Bishop.

Bear: So, when is the baby ready to move out?

First sim to ever autonomously put the food back in to the fridge in sims3! /cheers

Bee: OMG thank you SO much for cleaning up this place! You're awesome!

Bear: Cooties.

Faded Blue playing yet another gig. This time with a new drummer:

Marina was really kicking some ass.

Just too bad the crowd wasn't feeling it xD

Marina: As you can see I live in a dump and could really need some cash, so what about promoting me, yeah?

Marina tried to climb the career ladder the other way. Needless to say she was rejected. He did agree to join her band though.

Yay! Finally we get to see if Bear will grow out of his awkward.

Bee: Lololol I can't believe you grew into a fro.

Bear: Shuddup.

Bear with a different do. He's a bit better. No clipping teeth in his chin. Though he still got a bit to go before he's as pretty as his big sister.

Btw, this is how the house looks from the outside atm. Needless to say it's pretty cramped xD

Father and son next to each other. I can't even tell if there's any similarities except the haircolour. Anyways, moar birthday!

Bishop is not impressed. Neither am I by him rolling the exact same traits as his bigger brother >:

Bishop: :3

Marina invited Bee's friend from school (the son of her boss) who has apparently grown into an adult. She's trying to deny a rumour going on about her in town.

Marina: If you hear anything about me having peed myself in public then that is NOT true. Seriously!

He believed her. What an idiot xD She's pissed herself in public like three times.

There is drama in the Faded Blue.

Alphonse: I am sick and tired of your attitude and how you can never show up for practice because "you're allergic to the sun". You're OUT of this band!

Jones: *GASP*

Smart move there Alphonse, pissing off a vampire.

Marina: Apparently we just got an available space in our band. Would you care to join?

Sebastian: Sure!

Jones: I can't believe what I am hearing. You're nothing without me, nothing!

She then proceeded to prove it by busting out her bass and creep the hell out of me.

Bear: Hey bitch, people are trying to sleep so cut it the fuck out!

Bear: Feel the burn and get the hell off mah propertah!

I'll leave you there with the pretty image of Bear bitching out a vampiress.

What is next on the Bowyer? Will Bishop grow into his own personality? What's up with Bear and Mr. Vlad? Will the Faded Blue ever hit it now that they no longer have the sparkly vampire gimmick? Only time will tell.


ts3, legacy, gen; 1, bowyer, gen; 2

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