My boyfriend secrets on STLPunk; they've been up for a while.
Our Conor
Our Conor, who art in a bus
Conor Owled be thy name
Thy hooting come, thy will be done
On tour as it is in studio
Give us this day our daily show
And sell us your merchandise, as we buy all that's before us
And lead us not to George W, and deliver us from Clear Channel, Amen
Hail Conor
Hail Conor, full of coke
The owls are not what they seem
Blessed art thou among Nebraskans
And blessed is thy bowl of oranges
Holy Conor, Son of the CHIN
Pray for us Chinners now
And at the hour of our death, AMEN.
Act of Conortrition
O my Conor
I am sorry for my chins
In choosing to chin,
and failing to do coke
I have chinned against You and Your church.
I firmly intend
With the help of THE CHIN
To make up for my chins
and to chin as I should
I will probably think of more Conor Owl prayers later
Miranda to me: UR GAY