Well, first and foremost, I have decided, rather on a whim, to observe the fasting aspect of
Ramadan, and, whilst I'm only about three days in, I'm feeling pretty good about it, and I've kept to it (although I do allow myself one small concession in the form of an ice water at work during break (because we go on break at 6.30 - well after the sun
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Yeah, it is a nice habit to get into. I'm Catholic so I'm used to doing Lent which has a somewhat similar feel to it. I started doing Ramadan as a kind of "second Lent" in the year where I could try to discipline myself further and focus on almsgiving. It's made a big difference in my world and I hope you find it helpful instead. It is hard since Ramadan is occurring in the summer now so the days are longer and all the tasty summer cookouts and things are going on. It's a tough time to start but even if you decide to only observe half of it, it sounds like it is still already benefiting you a lot. It really only is most difficult for the first few days so it should be smooth sailing now, or at least smoother!
There is something coming on TV in a few minutes that supposedly is going to talk about how the science behind sharknado is legit and it could actually happen. I really have to see how they are going to explain it! Everytime I think the SyFy channel can't get crazier, they come up with some new combo.
It was better than the last one I went to. We won!
Next Sunday, my friends and I are going floating, which is just an excuse to get super day drunk on the river. I've no doubt that will mark the biggest challenge yet.
I know that certain elements of the movie are possible (waterspouts could pick up sea creatures, move inland, become tornados, drop them there; storm surges doing similar, etc etc etc), but on the whole, it's utterly ridiculous. And I love it for it.
But the best B-rated monster flick I've seen is Jurassic Shark. It is beyond quality in how awful it is.
I loved Jurassic Shark!!!
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