Hi. D'you want to see what the result of a pitcher too many of margaritas in the midst of a 20 mile bike ride looks like?
I can't even imagine how bruised my ass looks. If it's as much as it feels, it's solidly other-worldly colours. I'm bringing a cushion next time.
The tacos were worth it, though. I'd like some more. Someone come and bring me some tacos, please.
Why don't Mexican places deliver? That's bollocks. I'm going to start up a Mexican food place and I'll offer delivery. I'll make so much money (and TACOS).
I meant to go up to Creighton today and get my financial aid and student ID & c. taken care of, but I don't see that happening now. I look like an escaped abuse victim.
SLEEP NOW (or ordering pizza or something).
ETA: Oh, did I mention what time we got back? No? 2-FUCKING-AM. HA HA HA. Most people return at 10-ish at the latest. WE ARE CHAMPS.