Oct 19, 2004 14:08
What the fuck is going on, I'm feeling lost my mom and dad have been at my throat for the past week, i come home to a bunch of assholes, people talk to much shit and now someone is telln me ern the only thing i really even care for is getting tired of me,I dont know whats going on any more why does everyone have a problem with who i am i'm tired of drama i'm tired of school i'm just tired of all of it i want to go back months ago and restart at the begining when i was first falling in love when noone had a problem with each other and the fighting just stopped i wanna just be me be loved be away from all the bullshit! I'm losing intrest in the things i used to love im sickned every day with everyones fiighting i'm sick of being lied to i'm sick of being yelled at i'm sick of my family not accepting me for who i am i'm sick of it all i dont know where this is al going i dont want anyone talking shit about my girlfriend or my friends
What is left for me.