i <3 little kids

May 07, 2007 17:09

so, Mass yesterday was the cutest thing ever!

It was the last 6pm for the semester at St. Cecelia's, and the religious education families had had their end of the year dinner beforehand, and all came to the Mass. The kids had been raising money for the Heifer Project, and when they all processed up to the alter to bring up their little boxes of coins they were wearing pig and chicken noses. Even more adorable: at the end of Mass Fr. John said that he'd had a conversation with a little boy at communion who was very upset because he had a pig nose and wanted a chicken nose. Fr. John asked if somebody could find the boy after Mass and trade. Another little boy jumped up and said he'd do it, and went right there to trade w/the other boy (they were both about six). Sooooo cute!
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