May 16, 2005 15:24
Ryan, you are someone that I need to talk to.
Why do people say things that have NO BASE IN TRUTH? What the heck? Ok, going off of what I just read from Amber...
I would never come to someone that I have had a "rocky" relationship and wake them up by standing over them. ARE YOU INSANE? I would only do that with my best of freinds or grirlfreinds! And even then probably not! I am actaully quite pissed that people seem to need to say things that I have said or will do when I have done nothing of the sort. I have been having that happen allot lately, and it PISSES ME OFF.
Why do you people think that I am exactly the same as when I left? I am telling you right now I am so completly differant that I am like another person. I mean I have the same knowledge and ideas, but I have so many other experiences in my life. Just take what happened yesterday. Do you actually think that I would have no problem with my date dancing with another guy (and when I say dance I am saying like grinding type dance) and have no problem dancing like that with anyone, let alone my date? You can bet that I would have rather died then go to a club and "sex it up".
As for me comeing home, I am comeing home about the 5th (Right Ryan?) and I hope that I will be able to freak out a few people because I have longer hair (Something that I have never had before) And I have makeup that I hope to put on and make you go, wow. But that is the extent of what I am doing. I have no one that I want to freak out, no person that I will try to stand over, and no one that I am comeing home to. I am my own person. I do not need any girl, guy, of family memeber. I have gotten on by myself for a fucking year. Do you really think that I am dependent on you? Get over yourself! I could live over here for the rest of my life and have no problem. I mean I do fucking speak German. I can not believe the gall that some of you people seem to have (And no Amber, i am not talking about you. I think that you were a victim of ryans machine of information. I doubt that you actually thought that I would do something like that but chose to make sure. And for that, I think that you have done right. I can't believe he would say something like that especilly since he knows more about our situation then anyone else. Freaking A!)
I hope this clarifies things. See you in 7 weeks or so. Me