I actually *liked* Alias tonight. I mean really liked. My heart was pounding during the Racetrack mission, and I was all ferklempt...
During the Nadia parts and of course, at the end. Oh, Jack, you Tiny Dancer, you. I adore, adore, adore those two. And for the record, I am dying to see some Spy'Rents crib assembly fic-age. "Have you ever built anything before?" Why do I have a feeling Irina said the same thing to him? Loved it, loved it, loved it.
As annoying as I found the whole storyline of APO vs Dean (and only because he killed Vaughn) really pointless and out of character, this episode seemed very well done as far as (though not subtly) also not cheesily showing us exactly what he has cost Sydney.
Loved the continuity with Professor Choy and Syd's realistic but sad delivery of "From another lifetime" in reference to him.
But... BUT - the previews??? Oh. My. Mother. Fucking. God. I love that he completely dupes Rachel. I love it! And the sunglasses and the garment bag? *Thud*
I CANNOT wait!!!
Now I'm watching "Inside Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire" on A&E. I'm SO excited for this movie. The sis and the Roomie and I are going right after work tomorrow. Yay!