The Owl Tribe is the Liminal Tribe of Air, traversing the boundaries of the soul. They are quite territorial and reticent of company, which leads to their tribal lands being virtually empty of non-Owl people. They live in an enormous Tree, and scout the land for miles around for food and defense.
The Lady of Elphame has some connections to this tribe, though the majority of her attendants are songbirds rather than owls.
The Owls carry the essence of sacrifices to Vanaheim, living and non. They are also the enforcers and givers of taboos (geasa, tynghedau) and the guardians of the most holy places. They see into people's very souls, and can distill the true personality and inner strength with one look. Those who are weak, corrupt or not ready quail before them; the worthy face them with courage, even if it may mean death.
The lesson of Owl is Transformation, the changing of one's very soul into something new and profound, the kind of change that comes from touching the Holy and Taboo. Everything it touches, it changes.
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