The Ram Tribe, or more appropriately, the Sheep Tribe*, is the guardian tribe of Fire, keeping the lore and techniques of battle and defense, as well as being entirely nomadic in culture - thus, they embody both qualities of Vanic fire, guarding and guiding.
The Gatekeeper has ties to this group, as well as to Hare, and many of the Storm-Lord's following are mountain-loving Rams.
In the nature of the Fire tribes, they are divided into Ram and Ewe, with the Rams being the more active and confrontational group, focusing on combat techniques and magic while the Ewes focus on guarding the weak and nurturing fertility.
The lesson of the Rams is Mobility - having the flexibility and wisdom to see when it is time to move on to "greener pastures", leaving an abusive, outdated or unhelpful situation or circumstance behind; they also teach the value of standing strong in oneself, butting life with the horns to get what is desired and not backing down from the charge.
*While technically different genera biologically, the Sheep tribe also contains Goat bloodlines, but they are generally smaller, and keep to the craggiest and most impassible mountain ranges, thus limiting their interaction with other Beings.
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