THE BET chapter 1 -yamashi fanfiction

Apr 28, 2011 01:44

TITLE: The Bet
CHARACTERS: Yamda Ryosuke, Shida Mirai, Yuto Nakajima, Kamiki Ryunosuke and 2 OC'S
PAIRING: Yamada Ryosuke X Shida Mirai
SUMMARY: Where blowing in the ear leads to an accidental kiss and a bet gone wrong leads to romance of two teens...AND WHY IS KAMIKI WEARING A PIKACHU COSTUME?
GENRE: humor, crack, romance and friendship
RATING: PG-13 (some cursing)
TYPE: chaptered
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I bullied kamiki here, okay? :)) IT'S ALSO MY FIRST FANFICTION..EVER.


It was late in the afternoon and the sun was almost setting with its pretty shades of pink, orange and red. The quiet neighborhood streets with houses lining the sidewalks, the echoing barks of some neighborhood dogs and blinking street lights ready to turn on at any given moment. In the distance we could hear two teen boys clad with school uniforms bickering while on their way home.

“No way! I’m so much better than you!” yamada snapped back at yuto with a glare.

“Haha! That’s a funny joke yama-chan. We both know I’m better at playing basketball.”

“It wasn’t a joke, idiot!” yamada hissed out while giving a death glare towards his friend.
Yuto shivered slightly but regained his composure.

“WELL...! IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE! Meaning, YOU are an idiot as well!”

“Would you just shut up and agree that I’M better in basketball than you?”

That was when an evil smirk made it up to yuto’s lips.

“How about this yamada, whoever gets to shoot three balls first, wins! And whoever loses gets to follow an order from  the winner, the winner, of course, will get bragging rights.” Yuto answered back grinning widely thinking he’d win the bet.

“Three balls? C’mon! Make it ten! We already know who’s going to win anyway, get ready yuto.” Yamada cackled evilly while walking off, not bothering to wait for his friend’s answer.

“TOMORROW! AFTER SCHOOL!” yuto yelled at yamada’s retreating form. Yamada waved to let yuto know he heard him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next day

A wonderful morning to start a day. Birds are chirping, trees gently rustling their leafy branches, school kids greeting each other cheerfully, teens chatting happily in their respective classrooms and--

“WHAT!? WE HAD HOMEWORK?!” yuto yelled while frantically trying to rip out his hair but failing epically.

--a boy who forgot to do his homework. Wonderful indeed.

“YUTO! Calm down! Everyone in our CLASSROOM is looking at us weirdly! Why did I have to be seated in front of you?” shida murmured the last part but unfortunately, yuto caught it and wailed even more.

“Geez, you’re so hopeless.” Sighed shida and took out her homework to help yuto with his. At that instant, yuto’s face lit up.

Shida smiled nonetheless while yuto grinned at her.

“EHEM!” a familiar voice was heard beside the two. The two snapped their heads to the source of the interruption.

“Good Morning Yamada-san.” Shida smiled at him

“G’morning yama-chan!” yuto grinned.

“Good Morning shida-san, yuto-baka.” He greeted back while going off to his own seat beside yuto with an annoyed look. Yuto twitched slightly because of the new nickname he was just given but noticed his ticked off friend but shrugged it off.

‘It might’ve been a bad morning for him.’ Yuto thought.

“OI! Yuto-kun!” shida said while waving her hand in front of his face.

“E-eh? Ha?” yuto answered, confused.

“START answering your homework! you have 20 minutes!” shida facepalmed.

“WHAAT?!” he hurriedly took out his needed materials to answer the annoying homework that spoiled his morning.

“Ne, ne, shida-chan, how do you answer this question?”

“hm? Oh you do this and…”


A certain someone zoned out of the two’s conversation and somehow ended up deep inside his thoughts and that would be the pissed off teen beside yuto, namely, yamada ryosuke.

‘what the-?! What’s with the sudden pet names? What just happened? Ah. AAH! Why is shida-chan so close to yuto now?! Wait. Did I just call her shida-CHAN? Why the heck am I so annoyed anyway?! WHY?!’

While yamada was battling with himself, yuto noticed his friend’s troubled expression and poked him on the shoulder.

“Are you okay yamada…?”

No answer.

“OOI! Yama-chaaaan~?”
Still no answer.

Shida noticed this since yuto wasn’t paying attention to her anymore.

“Yuto-kun, what’s wrong with him?” shida leaned closer to where yuto was kneeled beside yamada. They tried waving a hand in front of his face but to no avail.

“YAMADA RYOOOSUKE! Ya there? HELLOOO?” yuto tried yelling in his ear.

No response.

Shida tried pinching his cheeks. Again. And again and again.

No response.

The duo both shared a sigh of defeat and was about to give up when…

“GOOD MORNING GUUUYS!” kamiki greeted the two cheerfully.

“Good Morning Miki-kun.” Sighed mirai.

“G’morning kamiki.” Yuto tried grinning.

Kamiki noticed their defeated expressions and raised an eyebrow at them.
The two in question looked back at their previous interest then back at him. Kamiki followed their gaze and saw yamada staring or glaring at nothing in particular.

“He spaced out…” muttered shida.
“…and we can’t bring him back to earth.” Finished yuto.

“kamiki-kuun, please help uuus!” yuto pleaded. Kamiki thought for a moment and a lightbulb made its way to the top of his head.

“Have you guys tried blowing in his ear?”

Yuto and shida’s head snapped to kamiki and the three shared meaningful glances. Shida positioned herself ready to blow in yamada’s ear while the two boys took out their mobile phones to capture yama-chan’s, hopefully, epic reaction and was giggling to their selves. Shida blew in his ear and then…

‘daarn. Why is shi-chan calling the idiot with a ‘-kun’? Why doesn’t she call me that as well? Wait. Why am I so affected? It’s not like I like her or anything. That thought wouldn’t even cross my mind…shoot. I just thought that I thought I like her! No. it couldn’t be possi-‘


“AAH.” Yuto gaped.
“E-EH?!” kamiki gasped out.

Shida’s eyes went wide when she felt warm lips upon hers.
Yamada’s eyes were clouded with confusion and shock.

They broke apart, yamada jerked off his seat and landed on the cold floor with a loud ‘thump’. Shida just stood there, mouth opened slightly and eyes wide, like a deer caught in the headlights. Realization dawned on them.


chappie 2 is up!

kamiki ryunosuke, yamada ryosuke, yamashi fanfiction, shida mirai, fanfiction, yuto nakajima, the bet

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