love makes fools of all of us

May 25, 2014 17:28

I am sick and it sucks, but that's no reason not to go ahead and make a list of things that didn't suck this week. And then I'm going to make some soup and lie on the couch.

When I sub, any time a student asks why when I tell them to do - or not do - something, my answer is, "Because I'm mean." Now, I'm not actually mean, but I'm a teacher who takes no shit and means what she says, which some students perceive as mean, and that's fine. I sincerely don't mind; I'd rather be "mean" and effective than spend my days fighting to get students to do the most basic things. But seeing a preschooler look at a classmate who asked why and say, "Because Miss Nic said so and she's mean," basically made my week.

Oh, Game of Thrones. After reading some analysis of Dany's Meereen arc, I find myself less annoyed by her current storyline on the show (uncomfortable racial implications aside). This episode's scene between her and Jorah was one of their most enjoyable in a long time, maybe since season one.

But oh, Sansa Stark, you own my heart. Show!Winterfell and all that went with it lived up to my expectations. Sophie Turner is just the loveliest and she's doing beautiful things this season, and I get an excessive amount of enjoyment over the fact that she's apparently taller than Aidan Gillan. But the slap and "Cat" and the push and just - yum. So, so good.

The Dancing with the Stars finale convinced me without doubt that Meryl Davis is an Actual Disney Princess.

And Orphan Black! Sarah and Helena on a road trip! Tatiana Maslany continues to have excellent chemistry with herself (or, more likely, with Kathryn Alexandre), and they're so delightful together. Grace is now just as creepy and manipulative as the rest of her family, and Mrs. S Knows Things and I want to see how it all plays out. And holy shit, Dr. Duncan seems very sad and broken, but there's a lot of creepy going on in the way that he looks at the clones and what he's done. As I've said before, carry on, show.

First this week was Panic by Lauren Oliver, which is sadly my least favorite of her YA novels. The basic premise is following two teenagers who are participating in this thing that takes place in their home town each year called Panic. Throughout the school year, every student donates a dollar a day into the pot for the final prize, and just-graduated seniors are then able to compete in increasingly dangerous contests. At the end, the last person standing takes the money. Maybe if I was still a teenager I'd see this as exciting, but I'm an adult and find it stupid and reckless, and the characters weren't engaging enough to make up or it. Plus, tigers were introduced very early on in the story and I then spent the rest of the novel worrying about them.

Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige was much more enjoyable. Amy Gumm finds herself in Oz the same way that Dorothy Gale did - via tornado. But Oz is different than in the stories, its magic being mined and horded by Dorothy - who has installed herself as the supreme ruler of Oz - with the help of Glinda, who leads the mining efforts; Scarecrow, who performs terrifying experiments on the people of Oz; Lion, who feeds on fear; and the Tin Woodman with his half-metal soldiers, created for him by Scarecrow. Amy becomes a part of the Revolutionary Order of the Wicked, witches devoted to defeating Dorothy's rule. It's inventive and engaging, and I do so love a witch story. The magic-corrupt Dorothy is a truly scary villain, and I loved the touches like all of her clothes being made of blue gingham and that the never takes off the magic silver slippers - now six-inch stilettos, naturally.

Last night, I finally picked up Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, which sounds silly but came highly recommended and lived up to the hype. It's sweet and charming without being cloying, Etienne is everything a YA boyfriend should be - including flawed - and Anna is a fun protagonist. Plus, Paris!

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton is one of the most beautiful novels I've read in a while, and I don't just mean the cover (which is definitely the prettiest I've seen in ages). Magical realism with beautiful prose, I loved the history of this family and the way that it incorporated the time period - the turn of the century through the 1950s - without knocking you over the head with it. It was subtle, but very clear, and there are a lot of French bread and pastry references to get you going. It has lovely imagery and deep, complex characters - and those mostly women. This might be the best novel I've read so far this year. 10/10, would recommend.

♥ bottled smoothies - the only thing I can keep down since I've been not feeling well ♥ pale pink manicures with rose gold and holo glitter ♥ long soaks in the tub ♥ tissues ♥ Dark Angel ♥ kittens ♥ packing a lunch box ♥ Garden Salsa Sun Chips ♥ skirts and sandals ♥ preschool naptime when they all actually fall asleep ♥ kids' computer games ♥ antibiotics in pill form for the cat - so. much. easier. ♥ sunscreen ♥ finally watching the finale of RuPaul's Drag Race - my favorite queen won! ♥ savings two snakes in one day, one from the dog and one from my car; this has to be good karma somewhere, right? ♥ hearing that I am valued and appreciated ♥ legal things that work out for the best ♥ long naps with cats

What's making your week, kittens?

game of thrones, personal, orphan black, books, things i love

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