Title: That the Moon Elbowed the Stars
Chapter: 16/17
Rating: R
Pairing: Puck/Rachel
Word Count: 7,700
Summary: And maybe it's an awful thing to think, but he wonders what's worse for her, losing New York or losing her dad.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
She can't deny that she likes celebrations, especially when they're for her, and it is quite a good time for one. )
Comments 7
I just really love seeing them as a proper couple, living apart, but being together in that, too.
And I'm happy that he chose to being in NY with her (although really, why wouldn't he at this point when there's only one chapter left and people just want a happy ending) and the manner in which he told her.
Now I'm left with this bittersweet feeling knowing that the next chapter is the last and that I don't want this universe to end because it's just so lovely.
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Two things I've loved about this story: The way Rachel's father's death has always hovered over it (when it would have been easy to use it as a catalyst and then mostly dropped it as time went on), constantly reminding us of how this story all began (and making us cry and cry); and also the parallels you draw between Rachel's and Puck's experiences (this time with their job satisfaction/lack thereof), again evoking the early chapters of the story.
Puck watching Rachel's performances unbeknownst to her = love.
"I have a bottle of that red wine that you like," he tells her instead of saying anything else about the show. "I don't have to work tomorrow, so I think we should get drunk and fuck all night."
I laughed so hard at this. No matter how mature he gets, he will always be Puck.
You can't just let go of her father's death, because she's never going to be able to let go of it. It's always going to be there, part of her and part of who she is and the way that she approaches her life. I didn't want to forget that while I was writing.
The fact that Puck is a vulgar asshole is a pretty big part of why I love him, honestly, and I'm glad that you appreciated it! He's just kind of wonderful, honestly.
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