Oct 17, 2005 08:44
Hi, Allie, Amy and Meek.
Where I was wondering where everyone was today... then I remembered after looking in my diary that Allie and Meek are on work experience... I hope you are here today AMyz. I hope you don't mind me calling you that. WEll not much to share, feeling pretty shit, sore throat exhausted even though I slept for basically most of yesterday... mind you I didn't go to bed until I think it was 3 on sat morning... had things to do you no. Yeah exhausted. Went to work on sat then went to see my dad, he gave me my birthday pressie a gift voucher for red herring. Bonus. I can go and get that jumoer that I want now. Loving it. I really do not care today, I am so so tierd I think I keep saying that sorry. but Yeah I am just crapping on now. How was everybodys weekend? Hope wrok experience goes well for you guys. Better get on with my work Amy I might talk to you later.
Luv nIc_pickles :)