
Oct 19, 2005 14:36

So i just brought Marshal to get his flu shot & i asked the lady if she`d weigh him...he weighs 23 pounds, some odd ounces..LOL though..he`s soo small still..oh well . we love him <33 He was born 6 weeks early too, for those of you who are like "damn you must starve him" haha && i`m alwayyys posting about how much he eats, right ?? And i`m only 4'11 && like 100lbs sooo that could also be why..But then Glenn is like 6feet && 200lbs soo I would rather have Marshal be like him haha . So yeah i don`t wanna hear anybody saying shit about him being small, k ?? He`s perfect ! =)

Today is the one year anniversary of Glenn`s grandmothers death...sO it`s gonna be a long night..i took the night off from work so we can go see his grandfather & stuff, i just went & bought some flowers..ugh makes me sad .

lmao i think Marshal is ready for a night, he`s sitting in my lap right now but he`s laying his head on the keyboard lol . He`s sooo clingy lately :/ sometimes it drives me nuts& than other times i love it, like last night he just sat in my lap & we watched tv for like half an hour,,but he was just cuddling . me & i`m like aww <33 && I know i`ll miss it when he`s older..thats why I hold him a lot now, even though everybody & their mom gives me shit for it, because think about like a year & a half he`s gonna be too big for me to hold all the time :( I hate thinking about him getting so old..makes me cry.. lol

Now i`m just rambling sO i guess i`m gonna go put him down for a nap, even though he woke up at 10:30 he shouldn`t be tired but he`s acting like he is sooo i guess i`m outta here .

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, nothing really is goin on around here..&& it`s not like anybody reads my shit anyway !! peace .

Marshal wants to say hii
nj j j jijkkkkkkkkkjjjj j

LOL i think he likes the keyboard cause we play a game on w. Elmo,,if you hit a key Elmo will say "peek a boo !" && Marshal loovesss Elmo <33

K i`m done now .
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