Nov 27, 2007 20:27
when i left you last we were settling in.. now months in, the settling is still settling but my routine is more at a constant pace and I'm getting a feeling for things and how they will go from here on out. I've been keeping busy by working two jobs and squeezing in 2-3 nights a week of being a normal 21 year-old and getting my wastey-face on. ;) its fantastic to feel my age again and even though I've made progress as an adult, I'm still here, just trying to uncover myself from my face plant into debt. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, FINALLY, and I'm ready to move forward. :)!!
Robert and I have completely conflicting schedules, while I work ALLL DAYYYY LONG, he has the days off and is up and at 'em at the wee hours in the AM and at the late nights hours as well. It'll get better but for now, this will have to do. We've been doing our own thing which is good for our mental health but is slowly taking it's toll on our relationship. I think we'll pull through. We're both just enjoying our nights with our friends! ":) I've been spending a lot of time with Tiffany and we're keeping each other sane.
I'm trying to get my new desktop set up so that I may be able to stahy in contact with the rest of the outside world. Hopefully another month and we'll be in our semi-apartment in my parents basement. [hold the laughter]
keep it real. ;) --nic.