7 votes
6 votes
001: 4 votes
002: 2 votes
003: 7 votes
004: 6 votes
005: 5 votes
#1 - The coloring is beautiful, and I like how it's slightly blurry.
01 - i really love the coloring and the effect of the icon
01 good use of coloring and textures
02- it's very unique and original
02- it's very unique and original
3 - nice crop,nice colouring
#3 - I love how you fixed the coloring on her face so it's not blue, and the cropping is beautiful.
03 - the coloring is gorgeous.
03 like crop
03- love the cropping
4 - the colouring is fab,bring out her features.
04 good coloring
5 - the crop is great and the texture used makes it look kinda from an old fashioned film.
#5 - The light texture makes the coloring look beautiful, especially with the black mask texture around it.
05 - love the coloring.