Mar 09, 2008 22:20
Well, first of all I realized that there were some contradictions in the Iconathon Info post, for which I would like to apologize. Though I don't even know if anyone noticed, because no one said anything :P
Anyway, I added a few points concerning the length of the round and the use of skips.
And also, because so many people kept begging, I will extent this first round another week. It's not like the start of the round was a big surprise, but still, it kinda blows when a third of the icons are missing.
BTW, because I had quite a few problems with my Internet connection - if I don't update or answer as soon as you'd hope, it's probably because of that. I am using someone else's wireless Internet, so I can't really complain. Just so you know. It kinda drops dead from one second to the next X(