Title: [K-Drama] The World of The Married/ The Couple/ 부부의 세계
Main Cast: Kim Hee-Ae, Park Hae-Joon
Release Year: 2020
Summary: The story starts with the portrayal of a happy family of Ji Sun-Woo (Kim Hee-Ae) who is a doctor and is married to Lee Tae-Oh (Park Hae-Joon) and they have a son. Everything seems perfect for her until she found out her husband has an affair and everyone around her knows about it except her. How would she gets her revenge and wins over custody over her son?
Resolution: 720P HD
Format: MP4
Episodes: 16 episodes
Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes per episode
File Size: 800-900MB per file
Language: Korean
Subtitle: English
Password: nossleonzzkd