(no subject)

Feb 01, 2004 02:06

"i was gunna write this with a gravitorial pen till it it functioned mal. chris got a hole in his bucket. dear liza to play with himself. we enjoy 80s cablambza miraculously. nicole like coolio is gonna read this it better be absolute deathness. that s put a line through itself, what a beer. He's 78 lbs. of fury, to whoever this may concern. i'm alive, yay for life! TAKEE MEEE ONNN, TAKKEEE ON MEEEE. tuesday. pens go through funs no kablamahamos(spanish). ian is stacked fast 40."-ryan doherty

"documentary of chris on the bak"=chris johnson

"chris=met nicole."-chris johnson

"chris=turning chinese."-chris johnson

its been 1:54 for 3 hours now.

byue byeeeeee
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